Hotel Reservation And Booking System A Computerised Approach

(A Case Study Of Shangerila Hotel Naze Owerri)

5 Chapters
56 Pages
6,815 Words

Hotel reservation and booking system a computerized approach is a process by which computer is used for carrying out the activity of booking and record keeping. The limitation of this project is Shangri-La hotel reservation km 7 owerri Aba road. This computerized approach is aim towards combating accommodation problems of visitors and tourist into the state. Under types of hotels Shangri-La uses the reservation types, the findings are manual data manipulation, poor information decimation, poor records keeping etc. solutions to arrive at better ground, it should be important for the hotel to adopt staff training, provision of hand books as a guild for staffs, hosting of lecturers and seminars for staffs.




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Title Page
Table of Content

1.0 Introduction 1-3
1.1 Historical Background of the Case Study 3-7
1.2 Statement of Problems 7-8
1.3 Aim and Objective of the Study 9

2.0 Literature Review 10-19

3.0 System Analysis, Design and Specification of Input
and Output Systems Analysis 20
3.1 Fact Finding Method/Techniques 20-28
3.2 System Block Diagram 28-29
3.3 System Requirement 29-30
3.4 Input Specification and Design 31
3.5 Input Field Description 31
3.6 Output Specification and Design 32-33
3.7 Output Field Description 33-34

4.0 Implementation and Programming of the System 35
4.1 Training of Staff 35-36
4.2 Program Structure 36-39
4.3 System Testing 40-41
4.4 Change Over Procedure 41-42
4.5 Maintenance and Implication Review 42-43

5.0 Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation – 44
5.1 Summary 44-45
5.2 Conclusion 45
5.3 Recommendation 46
References 47-48
Appendix 1: Flow Chart 49-52

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