Goodwill Management In Business Organization

(A Case Study Of Phinomar Feeds Nig Ltd Ngwo)

5 Chapters
60 Pages
7,285 Words

The study of Goodwill Management came to light the need for effective management for increased productivity causes. The study provides information to in businessmen who are interested in setting up manufacturing industries, but have little or no knowledge of the importance of the establishment of Goodwill Management which can be achieved through establish reputation customer acceptance introduction of a unique service, a state management.
The resources become interested in the study after considering the pitiful situation in our country today the problem of inflation, graduate unemployment, and retrenchment, out in salaries, economy recession to mention but a few.
Most of our fresh graduates who are victims of unemployment and retrenchment will have the opportunity of setting in manufacturing industries, which they could have done, if not far lack of adequate knowledge. The manufacturing industries and needs less capital than that of other undertakings, and so the necessary information required to enable that differentiate between the cost involved in setting up manufacturing industries and that of the understandings.
This will encourage them to become self employed by way of setting up manufacturing industries.


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Title Page
Approval Page
Table of Contents

1.0 Introduction 1
1.1 Background of Study 1
1.2 Statement of Problem 3
1.3 Purpose of Study 4
1.4 Research Question 5
1.5 Statement of Hypothesis 5
1.6 Significant of the Study 7
1.7 Scope of the Study 8
References 9

2.0 Literature Review 10
2.1 Meaning and History of Goodwill Management 10
2.2 Impact of Goodwill Management in Nigeria 12
2.3 Management of Goodwill at Phinomar Feeds Nig. Ltd 17
References 19

3.1 Research Design 20
3.2 Area of the Study 20
3.3 Population of the Study 21
3.4 Sample and Sampling Technique/Procedure 21
3.5 Instrument for Data Collection. 22
3.6 Validation/Reliability of the Instrument 23
3.7 Method of Data Collection Data Analysis 23
References 24

Data Analysis and Presentation 25
4.1 Testing of hypothesis 37
4.2 Summary of result 40

5.0 Summary of Findings, Recommendation and Conclusions 41
5.1 Summary of Findings 41
5.2 Recommendation 42
5.3 Conclusions and Suggestions for further Research 44
Bibliography 46
Appendixes 47
Questionnaire 48

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