Evaluaton Of Current Techniques In Diagnoses Of Human Immunodaficiency Virus (HIV)

4 Chapters
56 Pages
7,037 Words

A study was carried to ascertain the potency of some techniques used in diagnosis of Human Immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Two hundred and five samples (203) were collected from the patients from the university of Nigerian teaching hospital and was analysed using Elisa kit, which has the ability to detect antibodies and antigens in the patients serum, the Western blots were used as the confirmatory test, to the Elisa test, In case where there is false positive of Elisa test, it is specific and sensitive, Radioimmunoasay looks for the antigens which are radioactively label. The patients result shows that 154 patients out of the 205 diagnosed were negative and only 51 patients were positive. The Elisa kit were best used because of its sensitivity and specificity. It is very cheap and can be easily seen in the market, unlike the Radiommunoassay which are rare and very expensive to be used.

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Title page
List of tables

1.0 Introduction
1.1 Hypothesis
1.2 Aims and Objectives
1.3 Statement of problem
1.4 Limitation of study

2.0 Literature review
2.1 Pathogenesis of HIV infection
2.2 Epidemiology of HIV
2.3 Transmission of HIV infection
2.4 Viral replication of HIV
2.5 Symptoms of HIV infection
2.6 Life cycle of HIV
2.7 Facts about HIV/AIDS

3.0 Materials and Method
3.1 Current diagnosis of HIV infection
3.2 Laboratory diagnosis
3.3 Radiomminoassay
3.4 Enzymes Linked immunosorbentassay Elisa
3.5 Western blot

4.0 Results
4.1 Discussion and conclusion

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