Evaluation Of Strategies Used In The Distribution Of Bread

(A Survey Of Trips Foods And Vego Bread Industries, Owerri, Imo State)

5 Chapters
175 Pages
21,655 Words

This research project focuses on the need for evaluation of their strategies used in the distribution of bread in Owerri Urban.
Chapter one begins with general description of the study and it examines the underlying problems that clearly to the research study and clearly states the purpose of the project. It sets the hypothesis of the project. It sets the hypothesis of the project study and enumerates the significance of study and sets the scope and limitations of the research.
Chapter two tells about the historical background of trips foods and Vego bread industries in Owerri Urban used as a case study and the opinions and views of experts in both management and marketing and distributions are reviewed to enable the result of the research to be compared with the dreadly held views of these experts.
Chapter three is about research methodology the explains the techniques and instruments used in collecting data for the research.
The questionnaire is the instrument used in collecting he primary data needed. The entire staff of trips foods and vego bread industries in Owerri Urban constituted the population of the study of which a sample was chosen.
Chapter four deals with presentations and analysis of data and this is done in accordance with research questions. And chi-square (X2)is used in testing the hypothesis of the research. Under each there is decision rule and verification.
Chapter five is the summary, conclusions and Recommendation of the project. One of the findings is that inability to apply strategic distribution in marketing their product concept lead to low profitability. And the researcher recommended that strategic distribution management should be in the marketing / distribution in order to improve profitability. And also strategic distribution management can be likened to the marketing concept.

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Title page
Approval page
Table of content

1.1 General background of the study
1.2 Statement of problem
1.3 The objectives of the study
1.4 Significance of the study
1.5 Research question
1.6 Hypothesis
1.7 Scope of the study
1.8 Limitation of the study
1.9 Definition of the study

Chapter two
Review of related literature
2.1 What strategy is all about
2.2 What are levels of strategy
2.3 What distribution is all about
2.4 What are the distribution activities centres
2.5 What are the objectives of distribution of bread
2.67 What are the problems encountered in the distribution of bread in Owerri urban
2.7 The benefits of distribution of bread in Owerri urban
2.8 The planning of a distribution system in Owerri urban
2.9 Industrial policy in distribution system

Research methodology
3,0 Introduction
3.1 Historical background
3.2 Research design
3.3 Question design
3.4 Population/sample selection
3.5 Source of data
3.5.1 Primary sources
3.5.2 Secondary sources
3.6 Data collection techniques
3.6.1 The survey
3.6.2 Observation
3.7 Method of data analysis

Data presentation and analysis of findings 
4.1 Data presentation
4.2 Testing of hypothesis
4.3 Decision rule
4.4 Discussions on major findings of the study

Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation
5.1 Summary
5.2 Conclusion
5.3 Recommendation

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