Evaluation Of Internal Control System Of Nepa

(A Case Study Of Enugu District)

5 Chapters
96 Pages
13,991 Words

This research work is defined to look into internal control system in NEPA and to evaluate the system. Whether there is any problem associated with internal control system and possible solution to be adopted to make sure that the problem is solved.
The study by identifying that there is internal control system and the evaluation of the design of the samples establishment with a view to determining its adequacy. The study extended to assessing the degree of efficiency in operating the control instance in the sample establishment. In order words this research will help, use with the possible solution to be adopted to make sure that the problems solved. This work will also review work with the new one to know what is lacking in the past research work. The major objective of the study is to find out how internal control system carrying out this research, primary sources of information like interview and questionnaire and also apply secondary sources like textbooks annual report journals and periodicals. Presenting the data in a text method, semi-text method tabular form and appropriate statistical tools will be applied in analyzing the projects data..
In addition problems which I am likely to encounter in doing this research work are time factor inadequate funding. Anti-research attitude and death of statistical tools. A part from these problems and which must be looked at the time of initiating this research. The research work will be a practicable one if adopted all the above method.

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Title page
Approved page
Table of contents

1.1 Background of study
1.2 Statement of problem
1.3 Purpose of study
1.4 Significant of study
1.5 Research question/hypothesis
1.6 Scope of study/limitations

2.1 Introduction
2.2 Types of internal control
2.3 Internal control in specific areas of a commercial enterprise
2.4 Objective of internal control
2.5 Some important aspect of internal control system
2.6 Segregation of power or duties
2.7 Physical control over asset and records
2.8 Independent checks on performance
2.9 Limitation and assumption on the effectiveness of internal control
1.0 Control environment and control procedure
1.1 Internal control questionnaire
1.2 Functions of internal control questionnaire
1.3 Brief history of electricity industry in Nigeria
1.4 National electric power authority (NEPA)

3.1 Population of study
3.2 Sample design
3.3 Source of data
3.4 Research instruments
3.5 Method of data analysis
3.6 Problems encountered in data collection process

4.1 Questionnaire distribution and take of return
4.2 Analysis of data
4.3 Personal (oral) interview

Summary of findings conclusion and recommendations
5.1 Summary of findings
5.2 Conclusion
5.3 Recommendations

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