Electric Pop Corn Machine

4 Chapters
31 Pages
3,495 Words

An electric popcorn machine is machine that is used to popcorn for human consumption. It uses electricity as it sources of energy, transfer it energy, that is used to pop the Corn. Also it has a stirrer, which rotate due to the convection of electrical energy from the source to mechanical energy in the motor, the stirrer tons the corn so that it will not burns.
This project went as far as meeting most of the requirement of advancement in technology, which lead to make-work easy and comfortable for the user.
To be candid, the burden of mankind because of the existence of technology for this reasons, the government is expected to encourage the young technologist and engineers who has graduated and those who are yet to be graduated from school. By providing them with financial assistance, installation of adequate and functional equipment and facilities in various installations, competent and qualified personnel and in addition making education free for those who are not financially buoyant. By so doing, We will be boasting of technological advancement if we are ready to adopt indigenous technological experience rather than that of the western one, which rather more expansion and at- time in appropriate.

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Title page ii
Transmittal page iii
Signature page iv
Release note v
Approval page vi
Dedication page vii
Acknowledgement viii
Table of contents ix
Abstract xi
Introduction 1
Literature Review 3

Specification of Problem. 5
1.1 Requirement of Design 5
1.2 Condition for Use 5
1.3 Characteristic 6
1.4 Appearance 6
1.5 Precaution 7
1.6 Theory of Design and Analysis 8

2.0 Construction of Part 10
2.1 The material needed for construction 10
2.2 Construction of the Frame with Glass 14
2.3 Construction of the Stirrer 15
2.4 Construction of the Pots 15

3.0 Assembling of the work 16
3.1 Electrical Connection 16

4.0 Testing and inspection 18
4.1 Recommendation and Conclusion 18
4.2 Material Cost Evaluation 20
Reference 22

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