Efficacy Of The Extract Of Chewing Stick On The Agents Of Dental Carries Isolate

5 Chapters
36 Pages
4,544 Words

The bacterial isolate from the teeth was determined by using standard microbiological method. About 0.1ml Aliguot of the 10-2 dilution was aseptically sampled in bacteriological media. The result obtained shows that the bacteriological level detected in the various teeth ranged from 40.0 x10-1, 60.0 x10-1,41.0×10-1, 18.0 X 10-1, 20.0 X 10-1, 15.0 x 10-1, 20.0 x 10-1. The organism isolated were gram positive rod and gram positive cocci. The antimicrobial activity of chewing stick was performed from isolates gotten from the teeth. The organisms included are gram positive cocci and gram positive rod, decoction method was used for the extraction of the active compounds from the plant. The result revealed that the chewing stick showed activity against gram positive rod at the concentration of 62.5mg/ml with the zone of inhibition of 7mm and 5mm. The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC mg/ml) and minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC mg/m) was determined to show that the extract exhibited the growth of the test organism with the MIC between 62.5mg/ml.

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Title page i
Certification ii
Dedication iii
Acknowledgment iv
Abstract v
Table of content vi

1.0 Introduction 1

2.0 Literature Review 5
2.1 Plants commonly used as chewing sticks 6
2.2 Mechanism of Action 7
2.3 Effect of Dental Plaque 9
2.4 Effect on Periodontal health 12
2.5 Antibacterial Activity 13
2.6 Cytotoxic Effects 14

3.0 Materials and Methods 17
3.1 Collection of plant Material 18
3.2 Methodology 18
3.3 Extraction Procedures of Chewing Stick 19
3.4 Preparation of Medium 19
3.4.1 Preparation of Nutrient Agar 19
3.4.2 Preparation of Muller Hilton Agar 19
3.5 Sterilization of Media and Glasses 19
3.5.2 Preparation of paper Disc 19
3.6 Determination of Zones of Inhibition 20
3.6.1 Minimum Inhibitor Concentration Tests (MIC) 20
3.7 Minimum Bactericidal Concentration Test (MBC) 20
3.8 Grams staining techniques 20

4.0 Result and discussion 22
4.1 Discussion 25

5.0 Conclusion and Recommendation 27
5.1 Conclusion 27
5.2 Recommendations 27
References 28

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