Effects Of Salt Water On Concrete

(A Case Study Of River Nun In Nember In Bayelsa State)

6 Chapters
85 Pages
11,565 Words

This project is carried out to know the effects of salt water on concrete. Salt water has salinity of about 3.5%. in that, about 78% is sodium chloride and 15% is chloride and sulphate of magnesium. The result gotten from the experiment being carried out shows different result from the mix design, casting, curing and crushing of different dates of each cubes. The compressive strength of each cube was also determined e.g. for the compressive strength of mix design 1.2.2:4 for both salt water and fresh water for different days such 7,14,21,28 days are “for fresh water” 26.0N/mm2, 33.1N/mm2, 3.8.4N/mm2, 4/06N/mm2 “for salt water” for different days such as 7, 14, 21, 28days which results are 25.9N/mm2, 28.3N/mm2, 36.3N/mm2, 38.9N/m. For compressive strength of Design Ratio “1:1:5:3:3” for different days such as “7, 14, 21 and 28 days respectively which are “43.3N/mm2, 47.7N/mm2, 48.4N/mm2, 47.3N/mm2 for fresh water and that of salt water are as follows, 42.1N/mm2, 44.9N/mm2, 46.3N/mm2, 47.26N/mm2. For mix design ratio “1:3:3:5:8” we have their compressive strength to be 16.3N/mm2, 21.8N/mm2, 25.03N/mm2, 29.6N/mm2 for each respective days for fresh water and that of salt water to be 16.2N/mm2, 20.3N/mm2, 23.57N/mm2, 27.6N/mm2, which also helps in the plotting of the graph of compressive strength against the curing days, to determine the strength of each cube.

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Title page
Approval page
List of figures
Table of content

1.1 Introduction 1-4
1.2 Salt Water (Sea Water) 4-6
1.3 Objective and Purpose of Study 6
1.4 Scope and Limitation of Study 7
1.5 Definition of Terms 7-9

2.1 Literature Review 10-15
2.2 Admixtures 15-16
2.3 Quality of Water for Preparing Concrete 16-17
2.4 Batching, Proportioning and Mixing of Concrete 17-19
2.5 Comparison of Salt Water and Fresh Water 19-20
2.6 Cement Hydration 20-21
2.7 Work ability and Shrimp of Fresh Concrete 21-24
2.8 Curing of Concrete 24-25

3.1 Materials and Methods 26
3.2 Collection of Fresh/Tap Water Sample 26-27
3.3 Analysis of the Water Sample 27-29
3.4 Grading of Course Aggregates 29-30
3.5 Batching and Mixing of Samples Materials Required -30-32
3.6 Curing of Concrete Cubes 32
3.7 Determination of the Compressive Strength
and Density of the Concrete Cubes 32-33
3.8 Mix Design 33-42

4.1 Data Presentation 43-47
4.2 Calculations 47-78
4.3 Analysis 78-80

5.1 Conclusion 81
5.2 Recommendations 82
Reference 83

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