Effects Of Privatization Of The Electronic Media

5 Chapters
74 Pages
11,180 Words

The issue of elections media privatization has been in constant debate in Nigeria.
However, the last military Administration of president IBRAHIM Babangida took the bull by it’s horns when in 1992, the decree on privatization of media was promulgated.
It is to state the obvious, that privatization of electronic media will give room for competition leading to efficiency which has an over-all effect on improved content and quality of broadcast as presently witnessed in the young private television station at Obasi in Anambra state.
No doubt, the Nigeria economic standard has reached to the state where it must have alternative television and radio to build and maintain healthy growth and expansion of the enterprise.
This study is aimed at finding out the effects of privatization of electronic media i.e. Radio and Television, through library research method and direct interview survey method, targeting experts in Mass Communication, political scientists, practicing journalists, undergraduate, students of mass communication etc.
Considering the present economic state of the nation. These and more will remain the core of my study in this treatise. I will like to know the effect media on government owned and controlled media and the reactions of the experts, political scientists, practicing journalists and other enlightened audience on this new development.
Despite the various reasons advanced by monopolization of the apologists, the pressure for private participation and ownership of electronic broadcast media persisted and is now upheld.

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Title Page
Approval Page
Preface/ Abstract


Chapter One
1.1 Introduction

1.2 History Of Electronic Media In Nigeria
1.3 Why Government Monopolized Electronic Media
1.4 Statement Of Research Problems
1.5 Hypothesis
1.6 Scope
1.7 Purpose Of The Study
1.8 The Importance Of Research
1.9 Definition Of The Terms

Chapter Two
2.0 Literature Review

2.1 Summary Of Literature Review

Chapter Three
3.1 Research Methodology

3.2 Research Design
3.3 Population Of The Study
3.4 Data Collection
3.5 Method Of Data Analysis

Chapter Four
4.0 Data Analysis And Results

4.1 Introduction To Data Analysis
4.2 Analyses Of Hypothesis

Chapter Five
5.1 Summary Of Conclusion

5.2 Recommendation

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