Effects Of Human Resources Training And Development On Workers Productivity

(A Case Study Of Union Bank Of Nigeria Plc, Enugu Main Branch)

5 Chapters
85 Pages
10,691 Words

One of the major ways, organizations invest in their work force for greater returns today and even in employees. Training is like sharpening of an existing skill in order to reflect the trends in technology and other social cultural environment of an organization. Productivity is the goal of today competitive business. The major objective of training and development is to increase the efficiency of the employees with the resulting increase in corporate productivity. Human resources training and development are necessary for both employees morale and the organization can enhance the value of these assets by investing time and money for their improvement.
In view of the above, the researcher recommends that Union Bank of Nigeria Plc, should take the training of their staff seriously b making sure that uniformity of standard is maintained in all arms of the organization. There should be an accepted adequate management for assessing the employees performance.

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Approval page i
Dedication ii
Acknowledgement iii
Abstract iv
Table of contents vii

1.1 Background of the study 1
1.2 Statement of the problem 8
1.3 Purpose of the study 8
1.4 Significant of the study 10
1.5 Scope of the study 10
1.6 Research questions 11
1.7 Definition of terms 12

2.0 Literature Review 13
2.1 Introduction 13
2.2 Training is designed to 15
2.3 Importance of training and development 17
2.4 Understanding training and development needs 20
2.5 Discovering training and development needs 20
2.6 Training evaluation 28
2.7 Review of other related literature 30
2.8 Summary of reviewed literature 28

3.0 Methodology 40
3.1 Research design 40
3.2 Areas of study 41
3.3 Population of the study 41
3.4 Sample size and sample procedure 41
3.5 Sample procedure 42
3.6 Instrument for data collection 43
3.7 Validation of the research instrument 43
3.8 Reliability of the instrument 43
3.9 Method of administering of research instrument 44
3.10 Method of data analysis 44

4.0 Presentation of data analysis 46
4.1 Summary of findings 60

Findings, Implications, Recommendations and Conclusion 63
5.1 Implications of result 64
5.2 Recommendations 64
5.3 Conclusions 67
Reference 71
Appendix 73

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