Effects Of Communication Barriers In Achieving Organizational Goals

(A Case Study Of Niger Gas Ememe Enugu)

5 Chapters
114 Pages
7,841 Words

If communication is adequate in organizations, there will be proper coordination between the staff and the management and hence achieving the organizational goals on the other hand, if communication is on adequate, it hampers the smooth running of the affairs of the business and general a lot of problems.
The researcher is aware of the problems posed by inadequate communication and it is in a bid to make detailed study of the effect of these problems and offer solutions for them that this research work is being designed.
At the sometime, the researcher reduced from the study that management in organizations should be ought that communication is as important as the objectives of setting the organization.
In addition it was found out there are very wide gap between the executives and their subordinates in the areas of communication.
If this chasm created is properly handed, there will be proper coordination of activities in business organization. It was also discoraged from the study that good communication as a primary objective was the result of the successful existence of most successful business organizations today.
In making this discovers the use of questionnaires, oral interviews and observations were applied in collecting data.
The use of sample tables and percentages were made in the analysis.
The survey and findings was drawn, interpretation and conclusions made
The implications and recommendations include that
a. Due to poor communication, poor result is got
b. At the same time, lack of staff welfare added to the nonchalant attitude of communicators and this affects organizations
c. Poor communication reduces the image of the organization to the outside world.
d. As a result, for progress, information should be allowed to penetrate into the main stream of the organization at the formation of better result
e. Clear instruction should come from one executive to single staff at a time rather than jam packed orders
The limitation of the study include finance, inadequate periods for the research work and distance or area to cover.
Finally, suggestions were made for further studies.
This is to say that communication is very important in any organization because it help on achieving organizational goals. There is no life wire linking the levels of management in getting information within and outside the organizations.
The importance of communication in every organization is as old as the formation of the organization. Because communication barriers have hampered progress to a large extent in many organization, adequate communication should be made because if communication is adequate it will be the best way of improving good relationship between the management and staff in any organization.

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Title page
Approval page
Table of contents

1.1 Background of the study
1.2 Statement of the problems
1.3 Purpose of the study
1.4 Scope of the study
1.5 Research questions
1.6 Significance of the study

2.1 What is communication
2.2 The process of communication
2.3 Communication purposes
2.4 Essentials of communication
2.5 Factors that may impede effective communication.
2.6 General problem of communication
2.7 Interfering variables in communication
2.8 Types of communication
2.9 Communication in business organization 4

3.1 Area of the study
3.2 Population
3.3 Sample and sampling techniques
3.4 Instruments used for data collection
3.5 Validation of instrument used
3.6 Method of data analysis

4.1 Data presentation and Research

5.1 Discussion of the result
5.2 Implication
5.3 Conclusion
5.4 Recommendation
5.5 Suggestions for further study
5.6 Limitation of the study.

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