Effective Of Measurement And Evaluation Of Instruction And Pupils Academic Achievement In Primary Schools

(In Enugu North Local Governmen Area)

5 Chapters
67 Pages
7,004 Words

This research work dealt on effective measurement and evaluation of instructions and pupil’s academic achievement in primary schools in Enugu North Local Government Area. This project work becomes so useful for it’s timeless and objectively. It tends to present an educational teaching model that conveys absolute “Effective” of children in the classroom which special emphasizes on the measurement and Evaluation. This teaching model methodology or approach is called philosophy for children (P4C) or Andragogy. It was designed and developed by Evans and freemen. Retrospectively, the development of this reacting model, the schools teachers and children were best with the trouble of lack of instructional materials. Parents were not caring for their children to think critically as learning processes always begin at home. The school and it’s authorities also lack the same variable quality and instruments that facilitate learning in the classroom. The teachers on their own were not different after all. Then lack of instructional materials in learning and teaching processes

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NOTE: Preview the following Table of Content before you download the full content. WYSIWYG – What You See Is What You Get.

i. Title Page
i. Approval page
ii. Dedication
iii. Acknowledgement
iv. Table of content
v. List of Table
vi. Abstract

Chapter One
Statement of problem
Research Hypothesis.
Significance of the study
Research Question

Chapter Two
Review of the related literature
Good School Environment and More Experimental Curriculum.
Factors That Enhances Academic Achievement.

Chapter Three
Design of the Study
Area of the Study
Population of the Study
Sample and Sampling Techniques
Instrument for Data Collection.
Validity of the instrument.
Method of Data Collection.
Method of Data Analysis.

Chapter Four
Effectiveness of Measurement
Quality Control in Marking System
Evaluation of instruction
Achievement Test.

Chapter five
Discussion of Results
Implications of Findings
Suggestion for Further Study.
Appendix A – Letter of the respondent
Appendix B – Research Questionnaire.

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