Effective Corporate Social Responsibilities As A Business Survival Strategy

(A Case Study Of Pz Industries Plc, Aba)

5 Chapters
79 Pages
10,893 Words

This research project is designed to critically evaluate effective co-operate social responsibility as a business survival strategy. The researcher has carried out an extensive research on how important social responsibility is in the survival of business organizations. The researcher in order to achieve this aim visited libraries. The data obtained from questionnaire was presented and analyzed using the percentage method. The hypothesis was tested using the chi-square statistical formula. It was concluded inter-alia that corporate social responsibility attracts co-operations from the environment which in turn promotes business operations and performances and was recommended among other things that organization should not be out for profit alone, but they should carryout philanthropic activities to improve the well beings of the society.

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NOTE: Preview the following Table of Content before you download the full content. WYSIWYG – What You See Is What You Get.

Title Page
Approval Page
Abstract v
Table of Contents

1.0 Introduction 1
1.1 Background of the study 2
1.2 Statement of the problem 7
1.3 Purpose of the study 8
1.4 Research questions 9
1.5 Research hypothesis 10
1.6 Significance of the study 11
1.7 Scope of the study 12
1.8 Limitations of the study 12
1.9 Definitions of terms 14
1.10 Historical background of PZ Cussons 15

2.0 Literature Review 18
2.1 Introduction 18
2.2 Targets of social responsibility 22
2.3 The need for social responsibility by organization 28
2.4 Social responsibilities as a business sustainable
Strategy 32

3.0 Research design and methodology 36
3.1 Introduction 36
3.2 Sources of data 36
3.3 Method of data collection 37
3.4 Population study and sample size determination 37
3.5 Sampling techniques/procedures 40
3.6 Validity and reliability of measuring instrument 40
3.7 Method of data/statistical analysis 41

4.0 Presentation and analysis of data 43
4.1 Analysis of data 43
4.2 Test of research hypothesis 55

5.0 Summary of findings, Conclusion and
Recommendations 64
5.1 Summary of findings 64
5.2 Conclusion 66
5.3 Recommendations 66
Bibliography 68
Appendix I 69
Appendix II 70-73

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