Effect Of Poor Maintenance Studio Equipment And The Practice Of Ar

(A Case Study Of Imt Ceramics Studio)

5 Chapters
44 Pages
5,499 Words

This research project, studies the effect of poor maintenance of art studio tools, equipment and machinery on the teaching and learning of art in tertiary institution, with special focus on I. M. T. ceramic studio.
The purpose of the study is to identify the various ways in which poor maintenance of studio equipment affects students training in art and how students can engage in self help activities to reactivate machineries, other equipment and tools for effective studio practice.
The scope of the project covers the study of dis–functional electric potters wheels understanding and identifying the problematic aspects of the equipment and how to repair and reactivate them.
The significance of this project is the opportunity it affords, the art student to have a technical knowledge of some of the equipment and machines used in production of art works particularly in his or her area of specialization with such knowledge, the student artist prepared him or herself to meet with the challenge of studio practice anywhere, anytime.
The researchers, takes look at different contribution of authors, which are related to this topic.
Finally the researchers expose the effect of poor maintenance on tools and equipment and recommended ways how those in authority and Government could make provision in their budget for maintenance of faulty tools and equipments, before they are grounded. It is said that “a stitch in time saves nine”.

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Title Page
Certification Page
Table Of Contents

Chapter One
1.0 Introduction:

1.1 Background Of Study:
1.2 Statement Of Problem:
1.3 Purpose Of The Study:
1.4 Scope And Delimitations Of Project:
1.5 Significance Of Project
1.6 Definition Of Terms

Chapter Two
2.0 Literature Review:

Chapter Three
3.0 Research Design And Methodology:

3.1 Re –Statement Of Research Problem:
3.2 Method Of Data Collections:
3.3 Strategy For The Practical Project:
3.4 Working Relationship Between Parts:
3.5 Observed Faults:
3.6 The Materials/ Tools:

Chapter Four
4.0 Project Analysis And Interpretations:

4.1 Procedures:
4.2 Analysis And Interpretation

Chapter Five
5.0 Summary, Conclusion And Recommendation:

5.1 Summary:
5.2 Conclusion:
5.3 Recommendations:
5.4 Limitations:

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