Effect Of N-Hexane Extract Of Kola nitida Bark On Liver Function Test Of Albino Wistar Rats Fed With High Fat From Cow‘s Brain

5 Chapters
50 Pages
1,585 Words

Kola bark extract have been widely used in tradition medicine for thousand of
year, it improves liver functions and provides protection against high fat fed
metabolic rats. Present investigations were carried out on the hepatoprotective
role of Kola bark extract meal treatment to high fat fed wistar rat. Healthy
adult male wistar rats were divided into four groups Group I: rats were fed a
standard Laboratory diet (groups match) (20g/rat/day), Group II: rats were fed
a high-fat diet alone (3.6g/rat/day), Group III: rats were fed with combined
mixture of 70% of high-fat diet with 30% Kola bark meal (9.8g/rat /day),
Group/ V: rats were fed with high fat diet and was administered with Lipitor
(Atovastatin) (10mg/rat/day) . The rats were sacrificed at the end of the
experiment (two weeks) period. The high fat fed rat substantially elevated its
serum and liver tissue AST, ALT, ALP, bilirubin with decreased in total
protein levels. Where as the levels of all parameters significantly restored
towards normalization by the kola bark husk meal treatment. The results
obtained suggest that the Kola bark meal have potent hepatoprotective action
on high fat fed rats. A companion of the performance in both Kola bark meal
and Lipitor treatment on high fat fed rat in respect of hepatoprotective role is
clearly indicator that the Kola bark meal treatment was more and related to the
result of Lipitor as well as to the normal level.

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Table of content

1.0 Introduction

2.0 Literature review
2.1 Origin of kola
2.1.2 Strategies for enhancing investment opportunities in kola production
2.2 Lipid metabolism
2.2.1 Lipid and lipoproteins –definition and classification
2.2.2. Plasma lipoproteins
2.3.4 Cholesterol metabolism
2.3.0 Liver x receptor
2.3.1 Liver x receptor as cholesterol sensors
2.3.2 Liver x receptor and bile acid synthesis, metabolism and excretion-
2.3.3 LXR and cholesterol Biosynthesis
2.3.4 LXR and cholesterol uptake
2.3.5 LXR and intestinal cholesterol absorption
2.3.6 LXR as therapeutic targets

3.0 Materials and methods
3.1 Identification of plant material
3.2 Phytochemical analyses
3.3 Experimental animal models
3.4 Collection of blood sample
3.5 Lipid profile analysis

4.0 Results
4.1 Discussions

5.0 Conclusions
5.1 References

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