Effect of Jathropha tanjorensis on Serum Lipid Profile of Wister Abino Rat

5 Chapters
63 Pages
8,831 Words

Jathropha tanjorensis is a plant, which has been applied been used for medicine and food. This study investigated the phytochemical composition of Jatropha tanjorensis leaf and the effect of its methanolic extract on serum lipid profile of albino wister rats. Twenty four (24) albino rats divided into four groups and weighing between 90g and 120g were used for the study. Group 1 served as the negative control, no high fat diet was given and no treatment, Groups 2 as positive control where high fat diet was given without treatment. Group 3 and 4 were fed with high fat diet and administered varying concentrations of methanolic leaf extract (250mg and 500mg) of Jatropha tanjorensis daily for 14 days. Phytochemical analysis of the extract revealed the presence of terpenoids, saponins, cardiac glycosides, flavonoids and tannins. Measurement of serum lipid profile in rats administered the extract indicate a significant decrease (p<0.05) in the mean values of total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol while triglycerides and HDL cholesterol levels were not significantly different from the negative control. This study pointsto the fact that leaf extract of Jatropha tanjorensis possess phytochemical ingredients capable of lowering blood cholesterol level and might be useful in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases caused by hyperlipidemia.


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Title Page
Table of Contents

1.1 Background of the study 1
1.2 Statement of the problem 3
1.3 Justification of the study 3
1.4 Objective of the study 3
1.5 Scope of the study 3

2.1 Hyperlipidemia 4
2.2 Complication of hyperlipidemia 4
2.3 Drug classes for hyperlipidemia and side effects 10
2.4 Symptoms of hyperlipidemia 11
2.5 Hyperlipidemia classification 11
2.6 Lipoprotein and lipoprotein classification 12
2.7 Lipoprotein function 13
2.8 Lipid metabolism 14
2.9 Jathropha tanjorensis 15
2.10 Taxonomy and common names of Jathropha tanjorensis 16
2.11 Constituent of Jathropha tanjorensis 18
2.12 General medicinal uses of Jathropha tanjorensis 19
2.12.1 Antimicrobial Activity of Jathropha tanjorensis 19
2.12.2 Anti Plasmodial/Antimalaria Activity of Jatropha tanjorensis 21

3.1 Animal Experimentation 22
3.2 Group of Animals 22
3.3 Plant Materials 23
3.4 Preparation of Extract 23
3.5 Hyperlipidemic diet 25
3.6 Administration of Extract 26
3.7 Materials/Reagents 26
3.8 Estimation of Blood Lipid level 27
3.8.1 Total cholesterol 27
3.8.2 Triglyceride 28
3.8.3 High density lipoprotein cholesterol 29
3.8.4 Low density lipoprotein cholesterol 30


5.1 Discussion 36
5.2 Conclusion 39
5.3 Recommendation 39
REFERENCES Materials and apparatus 40
APPENDIX I Raw values for Group 1 47
APPENDIX II Raw values for Group 2 48
APPENDIX III Raw values for Group 3 49
APPENDIX IV Raw values for Group 4 50
APPENDIX V Turkeys multiple comparison 51

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