Effect Of Federal Character Syndrome On Recruitment Tool In The Fed Civil Services

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This study looked at the effect of federal character syndrome on recruitment and selection with E.E.D.C plc, Imo state as a study. In this study, recruitment is defined as a process of searching for an employee(s) that is most suitable for a particular vacuum in an organization to say, the first process of filling a vacancy is known as recruitment. Selection on the hand is defined as a process of determining whom an organization of hires to fill an opening or vacancy. Selection is viewed as a continuum start with the definition of the kind of person needed to fill a vacancy and ends with the decision to hire the service of the person. In this work, the researcher designs questionnaires which were administered to a sample of workers of the organization under study (E.E.D.C plc) the data or information collected were analyzed using the percentage method the result gotten from the analysis can be found in the chapter of this rese

Chapter One

Every organization depends on the effective use of its available resources in order to achieve its objectives. These resources, if they are to be effectively utilized, should be gotten in the right quantity, and the human resources is considered as the most important, most valuable, most complicated and the least predictable. It is this resource that processes other resources in order that the results of those processes would constitute the goals of the organization.
The personnel employed in an organization according to Vickerstaff (1979:201) serve as the hub around which other resources revolve. This allows the entire wheel of the organization to turn smoothly in other to perform more effectively, efficiently and economically. Therefore, attraction of the right caliber in as organization involves the setting up of efficient personnel of human resource or human capital department with dearly defined recruitment and selection policies. The effectiveness of a human resource department will therefore be measured by the extent to which it meets the need arid demand of all those who have a stake in the organization. It is therefore pertinent that organizations adopt and likely follow policies for the process of absorbing personnel in their work place with the aim of achieving maximum return on investment.
These policies are for identifying and solving organization structure recruitment and selection process. In support of this view, Drucker (1988:108) says that good organization structure does not by itself guarantee good performance. Indeed, target setting; performance measurement and monitoring will be affected without necessary impetus giving to systematic recruitment and selection mechanisms.
Ubeku (1995: 20) defined recruitment as the process of seeking and attracting a pool of people from which qualified candidates can be selected. On the side of slouch (1992:396), stated that recruitment is the process of searching both inside and outside an organization for employees to fill vacant positions. On the other hand, selection according to Jackson (1989:237), is the process through which representatives of an organization defines a job be filed, assess the person applying for that position and choose the applicant who has the greatest potential to perform the job successfully. It is also the process of picking individuals who have relevant qualifications to fill a particular position/ job in an organization.
Recruitment and selection are continuous process which must be
Carried on as the need arise. Recruitment and selection as any other management process, does not operates in a vacuum. Therefore it is affected by certain forces which should he known to the human, resources manager.
According to Dr. Agulanna and Awujo (2005:59), the factors that impact on recruitment are human resources plan, government relegations, labour unions and labour market.

This research work is aimed at carrying out study on the effect of federal character syndrome on recruitment and selection in cooperation like E.E.D.C PLC. It is a fact that many problems affect their recruitment and selection exercise, it is therefore pertinent to ask some basic question that may be hindering the organization form recruiting and selecting sound and qualified work personnel.
i. Dose the present selection technique meet with the recru itment needs of the organization or should the organization search for alternative strategies?
ii. Can the federal character syndrome policy be adopted in an organization like Enugu electrical distribution Company of Nigeria (E.E.D.C) Plc without altering the objectives of the organization?
iii. Dose professionalism7 training and economy serve as guiding principles for recruitment and selection into public corporations like E.E.D.C?
It is the intention of the researcher to carry out an exploratory study of the various effects of federal character syndrome on the recruitment and selection of employees. That is to delve into the problem area mentioned above to find out how some of these problems have affected the performance of these corporations.
For the fact that the adoption of the federal character syndrome on recruitment and selection polio’ will definitely come with some implication these Implications are the research problems that are to be addressed.

This is seen as how the study hopes to add or bridge knowledge and the areas the researcher hopes to make same contribution. The fact that E.E.D.C plays a vital role in the economic and social development of our country Nigeria this study aims at the following point:
i. To evaluate the performance of E.E.D.C against the backdrop of personnel recruitment and selection.
ii. Determine the best strategies that could be applied in the recruitment and selection of personnel
iii. To make sure that the guiding principles behind the recruitment and selection of personnel results to the achievement the corporation’s goals
iv. To make sure that the recruitment/selection actives should comply with the relevant laws of the country.
v. Investigation the range of recruitment and selection policies that have been implemented in Enugu electrical distribution company of Nigeria (E.E.D.C).

To effectively address the problem highllghted earlier, the following questions needs to be answered: –
i. Can the federal character syndrome be introduced in the E.E.D.C plc recruitment and selection process without altering its objective?
ii. Do the Enugu electrical distribution company of Nigeria plc have in place a sound/ quality recruitment and selection policy?
iii. How can a change in policy and selection affect the performance of E.E.D.C plc?
iv. Can professionalism, training and economy be used as a guiding principle for selection recruitment into the public corporation like E.E.D.C?
v. Can there be an improvement in the present recruitment and selection policy of E.E.D.C plc, to reflect on the current trends in the economic arid social development of the country?

The aim of this research work is to determine the effect of federal character syndrome on recruitment and selection with Enugu electrical distribution company of Nigeria plc as a spectrum of study.
Hopefully, this research work will be of immense benefit to the E.E.D.C’S board of directors as the finding of this study will expose
the effects of federal character policy on their performance. Also Y these finding will serve as a yard stick in measuring the influence of the federal government policy(ies) in other public corporation.
This study will also expose to public corporations, the detailed knowledge of the different selection and recruitment strategies.
This research work will be indeed, beneficial to both the academic community and the general public who would want to search deeper in this field of study.

The scope of this study is limited to investigate the effect of federal character syndrome on recruitment and selection of personnel. Bearing in mind that time is a limited factor, which is not in abundance this study is carryout in Owerri (Imo State) with a reference to E.E.D.C plc. This serves as a small spectrum through which generalization can be based on.

In the course of carrying out this study, one was faced with some difficulties1 which includes,
i. Time constraints: the time available is not enough to gather more comprehensives report about the study.
ii. Inadequate Fund: lack of sufficient fund to go round the various area of coverage.
iii. Late response: most of the employees interviewed were afraid to give quick response to the questions for fear of been victimized by their employee.

In a study of this nature, operational terms used are defined to show their clarity. As a matter of fact, the following terms will be defined;
FEDERAL CHARACTER: The Nigeria 1999 constitution describes this terms in the context of government conduct reflecting the federal character. This means the promotion of national unity and loyalty whereby a single or few ethnic groups are prevented from high-jacking the instruments of government, sports office and government employment at the disfavor of other groups.
PERSONNEL: this constitutes the manpower employed by an organization to carry out a specific and assigned task (Akpomuvire 2005:79).
RECRUITMENT: and selection the terms mean the positive action taken to find the right quality of personnel into an organizations Recruitment proceeds selection by paving the way for producing a smallest number of candidates who appear to the capable of either performing a task or of developing the ability to do within a period of time, duties acceptable to the employing organization (Tyson4989:58)
QUOTA SYSTEM: This is a device used to check the over flooding of a particular job or vacant job opportunities by people from a particular ethnic origin to ensure even representation of people from different background and geographical zones of a country or states.
ORGANIZATIONAL EFFECTIVENESS: This relates to the extent to which an organization attains its goals (Etzionic 1998:20).

Table of Contents

Title page
Approval page
Table of content

1.0 Introduction 1
1.1 Background of the study 1
1.2 Statement of problem 4
1.3 Objective of the study 5
1.4 Research Question 6
1.5 Significance of the study 7
1.6 Scope of the study 8
1.7 Limitation of the study 9
1.8 Definition of terms 9

2.0 Literature review 12
2.1 Introduction 12
2.2 The basis of Recruitment 13
2.3 The recruitment process 14
2.4 Selection Criteria 18
2.5 Selection process 21
2.6 The employment interview 22

3.0 Research Methodology 28
3.1 Introduction 28
3.2 Research design 28
3.3 Sources of data/methods of data collection 29
3.4 Population and Sample size 30
3.5 Statistical method of data analysis 31

4.0 Data presentation and interpretation 33
4.1 Introduction 33
4.2 Data presentation table 33

5.0 Summary of findings. Conclusion and
Recommendation 41
5.1 Summary of findings 41
5.2 Conclusion 42
5.3 Recommendation 43
5.4 Suggestion for further study 44
Bibliography 45
Appendix 47
Questionnaire 48

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Academic Research Structure: Important Sections

A 150–300 word synopsis of the main objectives, methods, findings, and conclusions of the Effect Of Federal Character Syndrome On Recruitment Tool In The Fed Civil Services should be included in the abstract.

Every chapter, section, and subsection in the research work should be listed in the Table of Contents, including the page numbers that correspond to each one.

The background, research question or hypothesis, and objective or aim of the Effect Of Federal Character Syndrome On Recruitment Tool In The Fed Civil Services should all be presented in the introduction, which is the first section.

A survey of previously conducted research on Effect Of Federal Character Syndrome On Recruitment Tool In The Fed Civil Services should be included in the literature review, together with an overview of the main conclusions, a list of any gaps, and an introduction to the current study.

The conclusion part should address the implications of the study, provide an answer to the research question and summarize the key findings.

The reference of Effect Of Federal Character Syndrome On Recruitment Tool In The Fed Civil Services, which should be formatted following a particular citation style (such as APA, MLA, or Chicago), is a list of all the sources cited in the title.

Other important sections of the Effect Of Federal Character Syndrome On Recruitment Tool In The Fed Civil Services should include the Title page, Dedication, Acknowledgments, Methodology, Results, Discussion, Appendices, Glossary, or Abbreviations List where applicable.