Effect Of Computerization On The Growth Of Economy

(A Case Study Of Two Electronic Companies)

5 Chapters
59 Pages
9,787 Words

Survey research design will be employed in the study. According to Nworgu (1991), research design is a research plan that specifies how data relates to a given problem. Therefore, the design is chosen to fund out the “Effect of computerization on the growth of Nigeria economy”. The area of this study is Enugu North Local Government Area in Enugu State. There are 30 number of firms in which Ifemix electronic company and fine Brothers electronic company are among.
The population of the study consist of all the managers and workers in Ifemix and fine Brothers electronic companies which is made up of 1000 workers and 50 managers from each company. Sampling of hundred (100) workers and twenty (20) managers from Ifemix electronic company and fine Brothers electronic company were drawn and used for the study. The researchers constructed twenty five item, questionnaires for managers and staff on the “Effect of Computerization on the growth of Nigeria economy which was administered to Ifemix electronic company and Fine Brothers Local Government Area of Enugu North Local Government Area of Enugu State. These are arranged on modified likert a scale of strongly Agreed, Agreed, Disagreed and Strongly disagreed. By these frame the respondents were directed as to the nature and scope of answers that they as well as provide them with a uniform frame of response to the items. To establish the validity of the instrument used for the study, the questionnaire after construction was submitted to four experts, two in the department of measurement and evaluation and one in the department of education foundation and one in the department of computer science, Enugu State College of Education (Technical) Enugu. The Validations, after going through the questionnaire, some corrections was made which the researchers corrected before going to the field. To establish a reliable instrument for the study, the researchers used test retest method to administer the questionnaire and used peason product moment correlation coefficient to find the coefficient reliability of 0.75. the study revealed that computer and related technologies have great social changes in the Nigerian economy. Based on the findings, we recommend people to try to be computer literate through computer training to enhance their employment opportunities. We also recommend that government should formulate and implement policies that will encourage massive computerization especially in the industrial sectors.

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Title Page
Table Of Contents


Chapter One:
1.0 Introduction

1.1 Background Of Study
1.2 Statement Of The Problems
1.3 Purpose Of The Study
1.4 Scope And Delimitation Of The Study
1.5 Research Questions

Chapter Two:
2.0 Literature Review

2.1 Home Environment And Discipline Of Children
2.2 Poor Supervision And Administration Of School As Factors Contributing To Indiscipline
2.3 Indiscipline As A Factor In Home And School Environment
2.4 Peer Group Of Keeping Bad Company
2.5 Heredity As It Relates To Indiscipline
2.6 Summary
2.7 Causes And Solution

Chapter Three:
3.0 Research Methodology

3.1 Design Of The Study
3.2 Area Of The Study
3.3 Population Of The Study
3.4 Sample And Sampling Procedures
3.5 Validation Of The Instrument
3.6 Reliability Of The Instrument
3.7 Method Of Data Analysis
3.8 Decision Rule Mark To Method Of Data Analysis
3.9 Development Of The Instrument

Chapter Four:
4.0 Presentation And Analysis Of Data

Chapter Five:
5.0 Discussion Of The Findings, Conclusions And Recommendations, Summary.

5.1 Discussion Of Findings
5.2 Conclusion Of Findings
5.3 Educational Implication
5.4 Recommendations
5.5 Suggestion For Further Research
5.6 Summary
5.7 Conclusion

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