Effect Of Biology Practical Activities On Academic Achievement Of Senior Secondary School Students

(A Case Study Of Enugu East Local Government Area)

5 Chapters
63 Pages
9,126 Words

This project work was carried out to determine the effect of biology practical activities on academic achievement of senior secondary school students in Enugu East Local Government Area of Enugu State. Chapter one and two is the background of the study and the review of related literature respectively. The background of the study emphasized the use of practical activities in biology as stimulates learner’s interest in the science subject they are studying. In the review of literature, the need for the teaching and learning of biology in secondary schools were discussed.. The factors which affect the achievement of secondary school biology students were also reviewed which include: inadequate laboratory facilities, teacher factors, student factors and environmental factors. In chapter three, the area of the study, population for study, data collection and analysis were presented. The study was carried out in Enugu East Local Government Area of Enugu State; the target population includes all the ss1 students in all the ten (10) schools in Enugu East Local Government Area of Enugu State. The students were given tests and the test was marked and they were scored according to their performances, the score from the pre-test and post- test were used to find the mean and standard deviation. Chapter four dealt with the presentation and analysis of data to four senior secondary schools in Enugu East Local Government Area. And the analysis showed that the mean scores of the females are higher than that of male students in both pre-test and post- test. The discussion of the results, educational implications, recommendation, and conclusion were also treated in chapter five.

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Introduction 1
Background of the study 1
Statement of problem 9
Purpose of the study 10
Significant 11
Research questions 12
Research hypothesis 13
Scope of study 13

Literature review 14
The need for teaching and learning of biology in secondary schools-14
Effect of biology practical activities on students in secondary school-17
Factors that affect the academic achievement of secondary school biology students 18
Summary scope of the study 24

Research method 26
Research design 26
Area of study 27
Population of the study 27
Sample and sampling techniques 27
Research instrument 28
Method of data collection 29
Validation of the instrument 29
Method of data analysis 29

Data presentation and analysis- 30

Discussion of findings 38
Educational implication 41
Recommendation 41
Suggestion for further study 43
Summary of the finding 43

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