Effect Of Admixtures On Properties Of Concrete

(Case Studies Of Sugar, Cow Bone Ash, Groudnut Shell Ash, And Lime Stone Powder)

5 Chapters
80 Pages
13,273 Words

The project titled “The effect of admixtures on properties of concrete: case study of sugar, cow bone ash, groundnut shell ash, and lime stone powder” was carried out with the aim of knowing the effect the of the various types of admixtures used on the properties of concrete, in term of the workability of concrete, durability of concrete and the concrete strength.
The material used are cow bone ash, groundnut shell ash, sugar and lime stone powder. The cow bone was sourced along Sobi road, Akerebiata area, Ilorin East local government area and the groundnut shell was sourced from Oja-Oba, Ilorin west local government. The cow bone was sun –dried after careful separation from flesh, tissues and fats, the ash was carried out by incinerating the bone at a temperature of 900⁰C in a furnace. Also the groundnut shell ash was obtained by burning groundnut shell on an iron sheet in the open air under normal temperature while sugar and lime stone powder were bought from market (chemical store) along Taiwo road, Ilorin Kwara state. The method adopted was; batching of concrete materials, mixing of concrete materials, production of cubes, curing of cubes (for 14days and 28days) while the test carried out during and after the concrete cubes are produced or casted are; sieve analysis test, slump test and compressive strength test.
From the sieve analysis test carried out on both fine and coarse aggregates, it was discovered that the coefficient of uniformity (Cu) obtained are less than 4, hence they are both “well-graded” aggregates. The slump test shows that there is increase in the slump value from sugar-concrete, GSA-concrete, CBA-concrete and LP-concrete, likewise the compressive strength test increases from sugar-concrete, GSA-concrete, CBA-concrete and LP-concrete.
Based on the result of this investigation, the conclusion I made was that admixtures affect properties of concrete like its slump value, density, compressive strength, etc and that admixtures generally decreases the slump value of concrete which in turns decrease the workability of the concrete.I there by recommend that further research should be carried out using 20%-50% of LP, CBA and GSA as admixture at an interval of 10% for the same experiment. Also the experiment should be carried out using some other mix ratio like 1:3:6, 1:4:8 and soon.



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Title Page
Table of Contents
List of Tables
List of Figures
List of Plates

1.0 Introduction 1
1.1 Statement of the Problem 2
1.2 Aims and Objectives of the Study 3
1.3 Justification of the Study 3
1.4 Scope of the Study 4

2.0 literature Review 5
2.1 Concrete in Practice 6
2.2 Types of Admixtures 9
2.3 Selected Agent 12
2.4 Material for concrete 16
2.4.1 Aggregates 16
2.4.2 Cement 18 Physical Properties of Cement 19
2.4.3 Water 21 Quality of Water 22 Properties of Water 22
2.4.4 Curing 22

3.0 Project Methodology 24
3.1 Procurement of Material 25
3.2 Preparation of Material 26
3.3 Material Used 27
3.4 Batching of concrete 28
3.5 Mixing of Concrete 32
3.6 Tests 33
3.6.1 Sieve Analysis Test 33
3.6.2 Slump Test 34
3.7 Production of Cubes 38
3.8 Curing of Cubes 38
3.9 Compressive Strength Test on Concrete Cubes 39
3.9.1 Procedure for Compressive Strength Test 41

4.0 Results Analysis 42
4.1 Sieve Analysis Test Result 42
4.2 Slump Test Result 46
4.3 Discussion on the Result 66

5.0 Conclusion 69
5.1 Recommendation 70
Reference 71

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