Development And Performance Evaluation Of Durability Testing Machine

5 Chapters
52 Pages
7,108 Words

Durability is used for quantifying the quality of briquette as the ratio of the unbroken weight to initial weight of briquette. This equally measure the durability of briquette under impact load during transportation and handling. A durability machine was developed and has dimension of 300mm×(25×25×3mm)×450mm.It was powered by electric motor of size 0.93hp.The results show that briquette formed from moringa stover has durability of 50%,63.4% and 79% from treatment T1 (100g ) , T2 ( 200g ) And T3(300g) respectively with corresponding unit density of (0.126kg/m3,0.130kg/m3 and 0.194kg/m3).Castor stover has durability of 63.4%,73.3% and79,7% from treatment T1 ( 100g ) , T2 (200g ) And T3(300g) respectively and unit density of 0.162kg/m3,0.167kg/m3and 0.193kg/m3).sorghum stover has durability of (73.3%,79% and 87.4%) from treatment T1(100g), T2(200g) And T3(300g) and unit density of 0.316kg/m3,0.273kg/m3and 0.262kg/m3.the testing duration 3min and rotational speed 40rpm. . The durability test shows that sorghum stover has the highest durability compares to moringa stover and castor stover.

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1.1 Preambles 1
1.2 Statement of the Problems 2
1.3 Durability Characteristics 2
1.4 Objectives 3
1.5 Justification 3
2.1 Definition of Durability 4
2.2 Durability measurement and equipment 4
2.2.1 Tumbler tester 4
2.2.2 Dural tester 6
2.2.3 Lingo tester 7
2.2.4 Holmen tester 8
2.2.5 Drop tester 9
2.3 Durability tester 10
2.3.1 Briquette durability test 11
2.3.2 Pellet durability test 11
2.3.3 Durability test of cubes 12
2.4 Factors affecting durability of briquette 13
2.4.1 Effects of feed constituent on durability of briquette 13
2.4.2 Effect on moisture content on durability of briquette 14
2.4.3 Effect of particle size on durability of briquette 15
2.4.4 Effect of steam conditioning/preheating on durability of briquette 15
2.4.5 Effects of binders/addictives on durability of briquette 15

3.1 Material 16
3.2 Description of durability testing machine 16
3.3 Component part of the machine 16
3.3.1 Frame 16
3.3.2 Durability box 17
3.3.3 Pulley and belt 17
3.3.4 Bearing 17
3.3.5 Shaft 17
3.3.6 Key 17
3.3.7 Electric motor 18
3.4 Design consideration 18
3.4.1 Portability 18
3.4.2 Cost of production 18
3.4.3 Area/volume 18
3.5 Assembly of the construction 19
3.6 Design calculation 19
3.6.1 Determination of power transmitted shaft 19
3.6.2 Pulley design 20
3.6.3 Belt design 21
3.7 Performance evaluation 22
3.7.1 Experimental design 22
3.7.2 Experimental instrument 22
3.7.3 Experimental material 22
3.7.4 Experimental procedure 23

4.1 Result 26
4.1.1 Durability and unit density of moringa ground 26
4.1.2 Durability and unit density of castor ground 27
4.1.3 Durability and unit density of sorghum ground 28
4.2 Discussion 29

5.1 Conclusion 35
5.2 Recommendation 36
Reference 37
Appendix 39
Figure 2.1 Holmen pellet tester 9
Figure 4.1 Durability line for moringa briquette 33
Figure 4.1.1 Unit density of moringa briquette 33
Figure 4.2 Durability line for castor briquette 35
Figure 4.2.1 Unit density of castor briquette 35
Figure 4.3 Durability line for sorghum briquette 37
Figure 4.3.1 Unit density of sorghum briquette 37


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