Design And Implementation Of Student Evaluation Program

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Student achievement is profoundly influenced by the evaluation
practice used by teachers in the classroom. Research in education
has consistently shown achievement monitoring and feedback to be
extremely important factors in the teaching learning process. This
project is designed with the help of computer base program that
has five sub systems: the file sub system that helps the
administrator to change their password and also register new
students, compute result sub system which is where all the student
results are recorded and save to data base, and report sub system,
where students profile, results and the number of students in the
school can be viewed. All this helps classroom teachers with direct
support to classroom instruction with information on good
classroom evaluation practices with daughters of divine love
juniorate secondary school as a case study. This program was
achieved with the help of visual basic 6.0 and Microsoft access

Chapter One

Evaluation of student achievement is a crucial and pervasive issue of
concern in every classroom. Traditional evaluation activities were used to
certify or promote students. Currently, evaluation is recognized, as a
comprehensive process not just something that occurs only at the end of
some learning episode, it is an integral part of the teaching learning process.
Evaluation activities provide information for the identification of student’s
performances, a basis for the assessment of teaching strategies and data for
important decision regarding corrective or enrichment activities.
If a classroom is to function effectively, a well planned system of evaluation
is essential. Without such plan, it will be difficult to determine the ability of
students and to decide which methods of instruction are most appropriate for
a particular class or group of students.
School Structure
Daughters of divine love juniorate school is a female private school, it was
founded in 1969 at Ihiala in Anambra state, by the late Bishop Godsfrey
Mary Paul Okonye, then Bishop of port Harcourt. The number of students
that were enrolled in 1969 is seven with about four members of the staff,
including the principal.
The school was later moved to Isienu Nsuka in the 1976, the second campus
of the junior ate was started in Enugu which is the head quarters of the
congregation with its first principal as Sr .M. Chizoba Eke.The junior ate
school made its first external examination in the year 1972. Daughters of
divine love comprise both the junior secondary and the senior secondary
sections and runs a six year formal education programme. Each of the 6
classes is made up of either 2 or 3 or 4 streams depending on the size of the
class. Because of the nature of the school which informs it’s home:
Daughters of divine love junior ate, equal attention, more or less, is giving to
both the academic and character formation of the students.
Administration and Staff
The administrative structure of the school comprises the principal, two vice
principal (Academic & Administration, School Bursar, Matron, Dean of
Studies, Heads of Department, Form Teachers and other teachers. The
tutorial staff strength of the school is forty – three permanent teachers and
seven part-time teachers. These teachers are qualified. The non academic
staff section comprises about thirty workers mainly non-professionals. The
motto of the school is “FAITH AND LOVE”

Education is concerned with the integral formation of students. Hence, it
should be directed toward their physical emotion, social, moral, intellectual
and spiritual development.
Any system of evaluation has to be based on who students are and how they
know and act as learners. The following principles of evaluation should be
evident from the philosophy. These are:
1 Evaluation takes it direction from a definition education which stated
in it’s broadcast since is to enable student to realize their potentials as
human beings
2 Evaluations involve teacher’s judgment.
3 Evaluation is an integral part of the teaching learning process.
4 Students and education program.
5 Students should play an active role in their evaluation.
6 Evaluation procedure should take into consideration individual
difference among students.
7 Evaluation procedure is important for the guidance of individual
However, it should be noted that the main purpose of evaluation is to
determine the extent to which student have archived the intended outcome of
the education program. There evaluation must be student centered where it
process and subsequent decisions reflect a genuine concern for the interest of
each student.

The main aim of this project is to provide an information tracking system
along with evaluation system for evaluating students based on written
examination, thus providing the positions for every student and to eradicate
the problems uncounted in education environment that are timed consuming
in the file system.
The design system holds the following features over the previous manual
1. Enhanced easy retrieval and access to records.
2. Highly secured student results.
3. Accuracy of result processing
4. Accurate report for decision making by the school management.

This project will provide basis for developing a planned system of
evaluation for the school academic staffs.

This project is centered on student academic performance for daughters of
divine love juniorate secondary school. This project was implemented to
show the scores and total average of each student at the end of academic
year, and also help to keep proper record of student data. This helps the
teachers to know the students that are not performing well, so that they can
help them to improve in the subjects they are lagging behind.

The result can be altered by any individual that has access to the software.
No individual can be able to access the result without the aid of the teacher
of that particular class.

The project has different chapters, from one to five which will explain the
various aspects of the system.
The first chapter gives an introduction of the project along with the project
aims and objectives, scope and limitations of the study.
Chapter two is an overview of the literature review.
Chapter three is the details of the system analysis and design and the major
components used.
Chapter four deals with the implementation and the testing. This chapter
contains the major world of the project.
Chapter five recommendations and conclusion of the project work on
student Evolution.

Table of Contents

Certification page
Table of content

1.1Background of study1
1.2Statement of problem2
1.3Aims and objective4
1.4Justification of study4
1.5Scope of study4
1.7Project report organization5

2.1 The nature of teacher’s decision making in evaluation6
2.2 Policy and guiding principles7
2.3 Curriculum goals8
2.4 Assessment literacy11
2.5 Multiple purpose of evaluation17
2.6 Professional development and teacher training18
2.7 Key question19

3.1 Methodology21
3.1.1 Proposed system21
3.1.2 Feasibility study22
3.1.3 System analysis22
3.2 Date collection23
3.3 Analysis of the existing system23
3.4 Limitation of the existing system24
3.5 System design24
3.5.1 The input design25
3.5.2 The output design26
3.5.3 Logical and physical design27
3.6 Database design32
3.7 System flowchart39
3.8 Top down design40

4.1 Choice of development tools38
4.2 System requirement38
4.2.1 Hardware requirements38
4.2.2 Software requirement39
4.3 Implementation39
4.4 Testing43
4.4.1 Unit testing43
4.4.2 System testing44
4.5 Executing the application44
4.6 Security 45

5.1 Summary of findings 46
5.2 Limitation of the project 46
5.3 Recommendation  47
5.4 BEME (Bills of engineering measurement of engineering) 48
5.5 Conclusion48
Appendix A: Source code52
Appendix B: Sample out57

Academic Research Structure: Important Sections

A 150–300 word synopsis of the main objectives, methods, findings, and conclusions of the Design And Implementation Of Student Evaluation Program should be included in the abstract.

Every chapter, section, and subsection in the research work should be listed in the Table of Contents, including the page numbers that correspond to each one.

The background, research question or hypothesis, and objective or aim of the Design And Implementation Of Student Evaluation Program should all be presented in the introduction, which is the first section.

A survey of previously conducted research on Design And Implementation Of Student Evaluation Program should be included in the literature review, together with an overview of the main conclusions, a list of any gaps, and an introduction to the current study.

The conclusion part should address the implications of the study, provide an answer to the research question and summarize the key findings.

The reference of Design And Implementation Of Student Evaluation Program, which should be formatted following a particular citation style (such as APA, MLA, or Chicago), is a list of all the sources cited in the title.

Other important sections of the Design And Implementation Of Student Evaluation Program should include the Title page, Dedication, Acknowledgments, Methodology, Results, Discussion, Appendices, Glossary, or Abbreviations List where applicable.