Design And Implementation Of An Electronic Sign Pattern Display

8 Chapters
44 Pages
4,766 Words

This design implementation of this electronic sequential sign post display employs the use of some specialized components. This section of the project introduces the reader to the different section of the project and the components that makes them up.
Emphasis are laid on describing the behaviour and operational system of the components as related to the project modeling, analysis, design and implementation of an ELECTRONIC SIGN POST, which is made up of a power supply, a shift register, a counter, multivibrator (555CMOSI.C) transistor, relay, resistors of different ohmic values capacitors, sensitive mic (for the switching system) and 220V AC lamp.

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Title Page
Approval Page
List Of Table
List Of Figure
Table Of Contents
Description/Functions Of Components Used With
List Of Figures


Chapter One
1.1 Introduction

Chapter Two
2.1 Literature Review

Chapter Three
3.1 Methodology

Chapter Four
4.1 Power Supply

4.2 Rectification
4.3 Filtration

Chapter Five
5.1 Design Of Sequential Counter

Chapter Six
6.1 Design Of The Transistor/Relay Drive

Chapter Seven
7.1 Design Of System Timing Circuit

7.2 Design Of An Interated Timing Circuit
7.3 Astable Multivbrator
7.4 Asignchronous Counter
7.5 Synchronous Counter

Chapter Eight
8.1 Construction And Packaging

8.2 Packaging
8.3 Problem Encountered And Solutions

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