Design And Implementation Of A Network Based Security Information System

7 Chapters
61 Pages
6,182 Words

The fundamental aim of this project is to emphasize how a system of information network aids the government and police administration in decision taking through a range of statistical data as collected and analyzed in an existing information system.

It also airs the different machines used in information processing system to reduce the much-engaged manual efforts. The system design is also introduced where cone is taken in the planning system, which is very close to the manually processed method, but with serious optimization. The proposed system is a network based expert system.

All the work in the system will at the end achieve:
– Data security
– Handling of files
– Speedy collection of information for security analysis
– Storage of information for subsequent usage.
– A forecast for the future security
– A dependable standard for decision taking on security matters as well as planning and control measures.
– Existing equipment for security information listed and known.


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Cover page
Title page
Table of contents

1.1 Security information
1.2 Objectives
1.3 Justification

2.0 Security concept
2.1 Definition of security
2.2 Security threats
2.3 Security & Information

3.0 Description of the exiting security information system
3.1 Organizational structure
3.2 Fact finding method
3.3 Objective of the existing system
3.4 Programs of the existing system
3.5 Equipment of the existing system
3.6 Forms

4.0 Design of the network-based security information system
4.1 Method of data collection
4.2 System design – input, processing, output, information storage and retrieval

5.0 Implementation of the new system
5.1 Choice of programming language
5.2 Program flowchart of security record system

6.0 Output interpretation

7.0 Conclusion
7.1 Recommendation


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