Design And Fabrication Of A Printing Block Machine

5 Chapters
58 Pages
5,682 Words

Parameters on which clear prints depends were comprehensively investigated. The study revealed that clear print depends on the impressed pressure the working temperature and the gold foil print paper life expectancy.
Also studies were he manner of dependence of these parameters on prints impressed on sheets of varied thickness. The results of these investigation were utilized in the design and fabrication of an operational manual printing machine using gold foil sheet depositor clear prints were impressed on papers during the new machine’s operation.

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Title page ii
Letter of transmittal iii
Release iv
Approval page v
Dedication vi
Acknowledgement vii
Abstract viii
List of figures ix
List of tables x
List of symbols xi
Table of contents xii

1.1 introduction 1
1.2 literature review and data collection 2
1.3 experimental determination of pressure for prating 3
1.4 design specification 9

2.1 Design solutions 11
2.2 Alternative A press foot printer 11
2.3 Alternative B; crank arm (handle ) 14
2.4 Alternative C; automatic (motorized) printer 17
2.5 Comparison of alternative and choice 20

3.1 Design selection and analysis of parts of chosen alternative 22
3.2 Theory of design/ design calculation 24
3.3 The design of the shaft (Hollow) 26

4.1 construction of prototype 28
4.2 general 28
4.3 material selection 29
4.4 sequence of construction and assembly 40

5.1 Testing of prototype (test – run) 40
5.2 Evaluation of machine efficiency 40
5.3 Operator’s manual 41
5.4 Costing (cost analysis) 42
5.5 Problems Encounter 45
5.6 Conclusion 45
5.7 Recommendation 46
5.8 Reference 47

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