Design And Fabrication Of A Mobile Refrigerator

(A Case Study Of National Population Commission)

5 Chapters
57 Pages
6,711 Words

To contribute to the development of Engineering and Technology innovations. The research work carried out in this project will help greatly in that direction. We exphasised mainly on modern methods by which a refrigerator can be operated and maintained we also included the method used in design and fabrication, assembly and arriving at knowing the safety requirement.
During the process of production of this refrigerator, cost estimate is taken into consideration with durability of materials, portability of the product was also considered.
M = Mass
A = Area
S = Entropy
V = Volume
M = Mass Flow Rate
D = Diameter
G = Gravity
 = Density
T = Temperature
H = Enthalpy Difference
Q = Heat Quantity
M = Latent Heat of Fusion
gr = Equivalent Load
L = Length
P = Pressure
U = Internal Energy
R = Thermal Conductivity
X = Thickness of Material
COP = Co-efficient of Performance
Q = Heat Transfer Per Area
HP = Horse Power
Vs = Swept Volume
AC = Alternative Current
C = Specific Heat
O = Gauge

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Title Page
Letter of Transmittal
Release Page
Signature Page
Table of Contents

Chapter ONE
1.0 Introduction

Chapter TWO
2.0 literature review
2.1 The Reverse Carnot Cycle
2.2 Modification of the Ideal Cycle Vapour Compression Cycle
2.3 Condition of Refrigerants in Compressive Inlet
2.4 Definitions of Terms

Chapter THREE
3.0 Detailed Information Needed for the Construction/Consideration of the Principle
3.1 Safety Consideration
3.2 Unit Description
3.3 Methods of Construction and Procedures
3.4 Fitting of the Evaporator
3.5 Other Assembly

Chapter FOUR
4.0 Mobile Calculation and Analysis
4.1 Heat Leakage Through and Boundary
4.2 The Product Load
4.3 Co-efficient of Performance

Chapter FIVE
5.0 Defrosting
5.1 Analysis and Material Cost Value
5.2 Labour Cost
5.3 Recommendation
5.4 Complaints, Causes and Remedy

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