Design And Construction Of Traffic Light

10 Chapters
28 Pages
2,923 Words

This project traffic light is design for the safety ness of vehicles our the road. It is a very destroy loop and sensor that which coordinate the system when the driver encounter long sharing of green light. The traffic light is consist of two more chamber or circuit red and green or amber/yellow which the red high gives the sign of stop the green is for free movement on the that is a junction or about.

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Title Page
Approval Page


Chapter One
1.0 Introduction

1.1 Turning Signal And Rules

Chapter Two
2.0 Description Of The System

2.1 Illustration Of The Circuit Diagram
2.2 Description And Configuration Of 55 Time Ic

Chapter Three
3.0 Pin Connection Of 555 1cand

3.1 Description Of Their Component
3.2 Description Of Outer Component
3.3 Capacitor

Chapter Four
4.0 Identification Of Component Using Symbol

Chapter Five
5.0 Pedestrian Scrambles

Chapter Six
6.0 Component Sourcing

Chapter Seven
7.0 Control And Coordination

7.1 Fixed Control
7.2 Dynamic Control
7.3 Coordinated Control

Chapter Eight
8.0 Lane Control

Chapter Nine
9.0 Packaging

Chapter Ten
10.1 Conclusion

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