Design And Construction Of An Fm Wireless Microphone

6 Chapters
39 Pages
5,709 Words

This project intended to simplify the description and working principle of FM wireless microphone, which works on a fixed frequency modulation (FM) band.

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Title Page


Chapter One
1.0 Introduction

1.1 Aim And Objective Of Investigation

Chapter Two
2.0 Transmitter

2.1 Ionospheric Propagation
2.2 Modulation
2.3 Needs For Modulation Process

Chapter Three
3.0 Frequency Modulation

3.1 Characteristic Of An Fm Wave
3.2 Frequency Modulation Detectors
3.3 Method Of Generating And Detecting F.M
3.4 Resonance
3.5 Oscillation

Chapter Four
4.0 The Radio Tuner

Chapter Five
5.1 Function Of Transmitter (With Block Diagram)

5.2 Resistor And Used In The Project
5.3 Capacitors
5.4 Variable
5.5 Transistor
5.6 Aerial
5.7 Microphone
5.8 Power Supply Unit

Chapter Six
6.0 Conclusion

6.1 Background Information

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