Design And Construction Of 45w Audio Power Amplifier

5 Chapters
48 Pages
5,481 Words

This thesis gives the account for the design and construction of a 45W Audio Power Amplifier with the objective of producing a reliable and cheaper amplifier that can be used in a household or stage.
The Audio Power Amplifier was constructed with electrical/electronics components such as resistors, capacitors, transformer, transistors and so on. Many tools/instruments like soldering iron, multimeter and so on were used.
The 45W Audio Power Amplifier when compared with other types of Audio Power Amplifier of the same rating in the market is cheaper as the components and materials used were locally sourced and selected to suit the desired purpose and environment.

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Title Page
Approval Page
List Of Tables, Graph And Figures
Table Of Contents


Chapter One
1.1 Introduction

Chapter Two:
2.0 Description Of Circuit Element

2.1 Resistors
2.2 Capacitors
2.3 Diodes
2.4 Bipolar Junction Transistor (Bjt)
2.5 Integrated Circuits (Ics)

Chapter Three:
3.0 Principle Of Operation

3.1 Power Supply
3.2 Pre-Amplifier
3.3 Tone Control
3.4 Power Amplifier

Chapter Four:
4.0 Construction And Testing

4.1 Breadboard/Prototyping
4.2 Circuit Layout
4.3 Construction
4.4 Testing And Result
4.5 Packaging
4.6 Costing

Chapter Five:
5.0 Summary

5.1 Conclusion
5.2 Recommendation

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