Cost Volume Profit Analysis For Profit Planning In Manufacturing Firms

(A Case Study Of Obika Industry Nigeria Limited Nkpologwu Anambra State)

5 Chapters
80 Pages
10,040 Words

This is set out to determine the application of cost volume profit analysis in business decision making the constraints experienced as well as the assessment of service coverage.
In chapter one and two the decision makers on management is faced with a lot of problems but when these are addressed, the cost volume profit analysis are not adequately interpreted to management non availability of records and lack of proper knowledge of the users in a manufacturing firm. There is therefore need to embrace and identify the extent and nature of a accounting, services to the business segments in their decision makings especially on the areas of finance of the business.
In chapter three, the researcher restricted himself to a reasonable scope, believed to give a representative of the case understudy. Primary & secondary data were used for data collection while interviews, personal observations and questionnaire distribution played a vital role to the regard percentages and chi-square were used to test the validity or otherwise used the hypothesis formulated.
In chapter four, datas were analyzed and the following findings were made.
Most establishments believe that using CVP when making financial decision will render them effective and efficient management. Some companies or volume profit analysis when making some strategic decision in business.
Lastly chapter five, managers do not play significant role in using accounting decisions. However manager of business needs more training to be able to serve effectively and account should relate well with the management especially during financial decisions to enable management carry up effective performance.

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Title Page i
Approval Page ii
Dedication iii
Acknowledgement iv-v
Abstract vi-vii
Table of Content viii-xi

1.0 Introduction 1
1.1 Overview of the Study 1-2
1.2 Statement of the problem 3-4
1.3 Objective of Study 4-5
1.4 Research Hypothesis 5-6
1.5 Significance/Scope of Study 6
1.6 Limitations of the Study 6-7
1.7 Definitions of terms 7-9
References 10

2.1 Historical Background of Obika Industry Ltd 11-12
2.2 Definition of Cost Volume Profit Analysis 12-15
2.3 Graphical Approach 15
2.4 Traditional Cost-volume profit 16-17
2.5 Contribution cost volume Profit Chart 18
2.6 Profit-volume Chart 18-20
2.7 Contribution cost volume Profit Chart 20-21
2.8 Algebraic Approach 21-22
2.8.1 Net Profit Equation 22-23
2.8.2 Contribution Margin, Contribution Margin
Ration and Variable Costs Ration 23
2.8.3 Break Even Profit Equation (BEP) 23-24
2.8.4 Manufacturing System 25
2.8.5 Mass Production 26
2.9 Process Production 26-27
2.9.1 Unique/Job Production 27-28
2.9.2 Uses of CVP Analysis 28-29
2.9.3 Adding or Dropping of Product Line 30-33
2.9.4 Make or Buy Decision 33-35
2.10 Profit Planning Decision 35-36
2.10.1 Product Pricing Policies 36-37
2.10.2 Budgets 37-38
2.11 Problems of Costs Volume Profit Analysis 39
2.12 Relationship between cost volume Profit 39
2.13 Cost Division 40
2.14 Changes in Fixed Costs 40
2.15 The Drawbacks of cost-volume Profit analysis 40-43
References 43

3.0 Research Methodology 45
3.1 Research Design 45-46
3.2 Sample Size 46
3.3 Rationale for the Choice of Variables 47-48
3.4 Data Selection and Analysis 48
3.5 The Methodology for Data Analysis 49-51
3.5.1 Questionnaire 51-52
3.5.2 Personal Interview 52
3.5.3 Personal Observation 52
References 53

4.0 Presentation and Analysis of Data 54
4.1 Data Presentation, Classification and Calculation 54-55
4.2 Analysis of Data Test of Hypothesis 56-59
4.3 Analysis of Data to Test of Hypothesis 60-62
4.4 Interpretation of Result 63

5.0 Summary of Findings, Conclusion and
Recommendations 64
5.1 Summary of Findings 64-65
5.2 Conclusions 65-66
5.3 Recommendations 66-68
Bibliography 69
Appendix 71-74

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