Corporate Image As A Strategic Tool For Enhancing Organisational Performance

(A Case Study Of Etisalat Nigeria Aba)

5 Chapters
85 Pages
10,158 Words

This research project was on Corporate Image as strategic Tool for Enhancing Organizational Performance. A Case Study of Etisalat Nigeria Aba, corporate image is a symbol of organizational performance. The population was one hundred (100) and the sample was sampling eighty (80). The techniques used were sampling random and chi-squares (x2). In the collection of data, the primary and secondary data were used; the data collected were presented on the tables. Having critically examined corporate image as a strategic tool for organizational performance, the findings revealed that age which has not been consciously and effectively managed. In conclusion, the long-term rational for a Favourable corporate images paves a way that image produces a climate condition for growth and improved earnings, corporate image increase good communication in the market place. Corporate images promotes organization in profit maximization. In order to reap the opportunities inherent corporate image should be outdated and its objectives, old and new programmes will be revisioned.


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Title page
Approval Page
Table of Contents

1.0 Introduction 1
1.1 Background of the Study 1
1.1.1 Profile of Etisalat Nigeria Aba 3
1.2 Statement of the Problems 5
1.3 Objectives of the Study 6
1.4 Research questions 7
1.5 Research Hypothesis 7
1.6 Significance of the Study 8
1.7 Scope/Limitation of the Study 9
1.8 Definition of the Terms 10

2.0 Review of Related Literature 14
2.1 Introduction 14
2.2. Conceptual Framework 15
2.2.1 The Concept of Corporate Image 15
2.2.2 Types of Corporate Image 18
2.2.3 Importance of Corporate Image 19
2.2.4 Essence of Corporate Image 20
2.2.5 Techniques of Improving Corporate Image 22
2.2.6 How Corporate Image Improve Performance 24
2.2.7 Problems of Corporate Image 25
2.2.8 Solutions to the Problem 25
2.3 Theoretical Framework 26
2.4 Empirical Framework 31
2.5 Summary of Literature Review 36

3.0 Research Methodology 39
3.1 Research Design 39
3.2 Area of the study 39
3.3 Population and Sample Size Determination 40
3.4 Sampling Techniques 40
3.5 Method of Data Collection 41
3.6 Method of Data Analysis 43

4.0 Data Presentation,Analysis and interpretation 46
4.1 Data Presentation 46
4.2 Analysis and interpretation 46
4.3 Testing of Hypothesis 59
4.4 Discussion of finding 66

5.0 Conclusion and Recommendations 68
5.1 Introduction 68
5.2 Conclusion 69
5.3 Recommendations 70
5.4 Suggestion for further study 71
References 73
Appendices 75
Questionnaire 76

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