Construction Of Propeller Agitator

5 Chapters
50 Pages
6,161 Words

Propeller agitator is a specialized of various types of substances. It consists of three basic components which are the shaft, blade and the vessel.
In the construction, mild steel was chosen due to it’s inherent properties. After the procurement, the following constructional operations were carried out which included marking out, center punching folding, welding, filling operation, assembling, and painting to beautify the equipment and for other purposes.
The shapes and forms are formulated to obtain the following dimensions of the agitator. These are length of handle = 320mm, diameter of gear teeth = 100mm, thickness of shaft = 20mm, thickness of gear = 12mm, size of blade = 50mm x 100mm, blade diameter = 63mm, inside diameter of pump = 12mm, outside diameter of pump = 20mm, shat height = 470mm, vessel diameter = 340mm and height = 560mm
The agitating mixer has high efficiency of comparable to those produced industrially. The estimated rate of rotation is 1720 rpm.
The cost of construction of the agitator is however minimized due to the preferred choice of the raw material and method of fabrication.











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Title page
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Table of contents

1.0 Introduction
1.1 The objective of the project

2.1 The theory and concept of agitation
2.2 Type of mixers
2.3 The impeller mixers for liquids
2.31 Paddles
2.32 Turbines
2.33 Propellers
2.4 The particle mixer for free flowing solids
2.5 Mixers for heavy paste or cohesive solids
2.6 Agitator effectiveness & agitation index
2.7 Degree of agitation
2.8 Power consumption in agitators
2.9 Agitation rate
2.10 Materials for the construction of propeller agitator
2.11 Equipments for the fabrication of propeller agitator

3.1 Construction and fabrication procedure
3.2 Steps of fabrication process

4.0 Cost analysis
4.1 Material cost
4.2 Labour cost

5.1 Discussion
5.2 Recommendation
5.3 Conclusion


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