Construction Of Grain Grinding Machine

6 Chapters
46 Pages
4,871 Words

Improve customers services in Nigeria commercial Banks.
CUSTOMER: a person’s society, firm or company may be termed a customer when he makes an offer to become a customer. Which the bank duely accepts
COMMERCIAL BANK: these are banks established to trade retail- bankingservices at a profit the commercial banks act as bankers to everybody who so desire provided he or she has the capacity to do so
The main objective of imp[roving customers services in Nigeria commercial Banks. Consequently, this research work, captioned is ammid or based at determining the relationsahip that exist between commercial anks and their various customers, as well this relationship must be seen with enough for business transaction.
This work or objecive of this research writing gave a through description of the right duties, responsibilites of commercial banks to hteir customers also on the circumstances under which a bankcan disclose infromation about he also treats the measure to be taken to ensure that customer service in such area as staffing an so on can be improved

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The aim of the project is to construct a domestic grain grinding machine to be powered by electric motor through pulley and belt transmission.
The project is to perform mostly blending and grinding on grains e.g beans, maize, melon, millet and such other food crops.
In construction of the project, there are various factors that is being put into consideration.
i. The size specification
ii. The power of the electric motor to be used
iii. The domestic operation which can be performed by the machine.
iv. The capacity of the machine.

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Title page ii
Approval page iii
Certification iv
Dedication v
Acknowledgment vi
Abstract viii
Table of content ix

Introduction 1
1.1 Research problem 1
1.2 Justification of the study 2
1.3 Objectives of the study 3
1.4 Scope and limitation 3

Literature review 5
Existing grinding machine 7

Description of the machine 9

Analysis and size specification 15
Calculation analysis 19

Maintenance 25
Operation procedure 25

Conclusion 27
Recommendation for further work 28
Reference 30

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