Construction Of A Potable Electric Operated With Radio Control Wireless Remote Motor Vehicle For Long Danza Bus

7 Chapters
33 Pages
3,501 Words

Construction of a potable electric operated motor vehicle for long Volvo Bus. In this project involves the knowledge of mechanical engineering workshop technology and engineering material science and strength.
This was exactly what we were taught. We contracted the electric car with the actual dimension of long Volvo bus(Ml-) got from the catalogue and we enlarged the scale by 1: 8mm. aluminum cord was used in the construction of the vehicle body because of its light weight and it is paraded with marking sole, which absorbs heat entering from outside into the vehicle due to excess heat or sum on the aluminum. In the construction of electric car, he step are as follows:
1. The fabrication drawing, taking in consideration the various diversion of the component that make up the electric car and the type of materials to be used.
2. The construction of the material was carried out in the workshop with the help of the working tools and finally assembling the components.

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Title page ii
Letter of transmittal iii
Signature of page iv
Release note v
Approval vi
Dedication vii
Acknowledgement viii
Abstract ix
Table of content x

Introduction 1

Literature Review 3

Material selection 5
Safety glass 6
Ignition component 6
Direction indication 7
Aluminum sheets 7

Deception of electrical components 9
The electric motor 9
The battery 10
How the battery works 10
Types of battery 11
The radio control 11

Types 12
The function of the type 14
The wheels 15
Types of wheels for cars 15
Centre look wine wheel 15
The gear box 16
Maintenance 16

Operations 17
Cost evaluation 19

Conclusion 22
Recommendation 22
Reference 23

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