Construction Of A Mobile Refrigerator fridge

5 Chapters
60 Pages
7,166 Words

This write up focuses attention on a detailed report and account on the process of construction and formulation of plan for the actual and physical realization of the construction of the project work captioned fabrication and construction of a mobile cooling system. The report is therefore divided into chapters and each chapter discussed extensively such that an illiterate refrigerator mechanic who read and comprehends the report can easily carryout the construction of refrigerator under little guidance and supervision.
Subsequently, the principles of influencing the operation of a cooling system, choice of materials, various methods used in the fabrication and recommendation for advancement were duely treated.
Therefore, as the cooling system composed of mechanical and electric all parts, a lot of effort were made to break and discuss the various stages and sequences of assembly. Stating a quite number of safety rules which must be adhered strictly to by and intended person or persons, who may embark on the project in future to achieve a positive result.
Finally, this write up also encompasses the maintenance of any cooling system irrespective of the size and make without limiting it to only mobile refrigerator, with due consideration that we are in the modern age of refrigeration due to the gradual destruction of the ozone layer, so that any person who seized the opportunity of reading through the report can maintain such equipment no matter the size and complexity with ease and save himself from being overheated by the sun.

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Title page
Letter of transmittal
Approval page
Table of contents

1.0 Introduction
1.1 Purpose Of Construction
1.2 Importance And Specification Of Project
1.3 Scope And Limitations
1.4 Statement Of Problems

2.0 The History Of Refrigeration
2.1 The Reversed Cannot Cycle
2.2 Condition At The Compressor Inlet
2.3 Sub Cooling Of The Condensed Vapour
2.4 Selection Of Material

3.0 Construction Details
3.1 General Safety Rule
3.2 Construction Method And Procedure
3.3 Laying Of Evaporator Pipe (Piping)
3.4 Lagging
3.5 Electrical System In The Fridge
3.6 Description Of The Unit/Principle Of Operation

4.0 Construction Analysis
4.1 Heat Leakages Through The Boundaries
4.2 Refrigeration
4.3 The Evaporator
4.4 The Evaporator Capacity Size
4.5 The Condenser
4.6 The Capillary Tube Size
4.7 Co-Efficient Of Performance



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