Concepts Prospects And Future Of Nigeria Certificate In Education (N.E.C.) The Graduates

(In Enugu State)

5 Chapters
49 Pages
7,676 Words

The purpose of the study was to determine the concept, prospects and future of the N.C.E programme in Nigeria with particular reference to Enugu State. The study is a descriptive survey. The study examines people’s perception on the N.C.E. programme and the recent government policy on N.E.C Programme. The study made use of the following findings during the study:- The concept of N.C.E. program is the idea and principle connecting N.C.E. programme. The prospects of N.C.E. is the possibility of what may happen to N.C.E. programme at a given time. The future of N.C.E. is the time will last. The recommendation of N.C.E. programme should be revisited. Government therefore should effectively implement N.C.E. programme.

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Title page
Approval Page
Table of Content

Background of the study
Statement of the problem
Purpose of the study
Research Question
Scope of the study
Significance of the study

Review of Related Literature
Concept of Nigeria Certificate in Education
Prospects of N.C.E.
Future of N.C.E programme
Perceptions of people about N.C.E programme
Government policy on N.C.E programme
Effect of the proposal purported phasing out of
N.C.E. Programme

Research Design
Area of the study
Population of the study
Sample and sampling technique
Instrument for Data Collection
Validity and Reliability of the Instrument 25
Method of data collection26
Method of data Analysis  26

Data Analysis, Presentation and Result – 27-31

Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation 32
Summary -32-34
Conclusion -34-35
Recommendation -35-36
Suggestion for further studies36

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