Computerization Of Students Results And Grading

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The work present a design of a computerized of students results and grading for a computer science department of federal polytechnic nekede . A computerized of students results and grading for a computer science department of federal polytechnic nekede is concerned with the computerization of personnel results and grading appraisal of personnel on order to achieve the aims and objectives of the organization. This accounts, when and who to promote and retirement in due time.
The entrance of computer into the auditing system for a computer science department of federal polytechnic nekede will help create and maintain efficient results and grading . This will also help to fish out “ghost students ”
The design was implemented to facilitate the of students results and grading for a computer science department of federal polytechnic nekede . It will be less time wasting and cheap to run.
It is expected that if full consent is given to this, it will enhance the auditing of personnel cord for the federal polytechnic nekede .

Chapter One

In developed world the twentieth century men lives surrounded by a bewildering variety of machines on which his way of life itself depends. The machines can be simple or complex, minute or enormous. Some like sewing machines are for specific application which other like an electric drill can be used for variety of purposes. Some machine through designed for specific purpose are component in many different machines.
Another fundamental aspect of twentieth century life is the vast amount and variety of information surrounding man. The computer is perhaps our most useful modern-day tool yet development. It was only in 1951 that the first commercial available computer was market. Today we are using computer ever increasing numbers is a way never imagined just a few years ago. Computers is now an integral part of information needs of many societies. They are used world- wide to solve a variety of information, financial health, tax credit insurance and so forth. The modern society has virtually embraced the use of computer in all facts of commerce and industry. A computer is an automatic device that performs calculation, solve problem and also is capable of storing information. It has four basic parts input unit storage unit central processing unit, output unit. Though series of application will lead to accomplishment of a specific task. Computer is capable of manipulating a large value of data accurately and at an incredibly speed.
Tasks that would require human effort several days can be performed by the computer within a split of second, thus the use of computer has become quite valuable in commerce and industry. Computer is being used in organization to process data and to provide accurate and timely information for the use of management. This goes a long way facilitating the realization of set goals and objective resource to manager and hence their level of performance since they have access to accurate us-to-data and timely information.
FEDERAL POLYTECHNIC NEKEDE ” As part of the effort towards ensuring adequate and regular record on students results and grading for federal polytechnic nekede. Students results and grading is an activity that implies an indebt examination and evaluation of set of financial statement and their underlying results and grading and document so as to form an objective opinion, which is expressed in the form of an audit report on the truth and fairness of view expressed in the financial statement about personnel in a federal polytechnic nekede . Before the advent of computer system, auditing was done manually. But due to expansion and increase in organization persons, and businesses, it become highly difficult and cumbersome to accelerate auditing progressively. Roles and document containing information about the personnel being auditing increases as the day thereby making it too hard to keep all information about the personnel accurately. Auditors suffer tremendously as a result of this.
This project wills undoubtedly development of the existing system. System.

Students results and grading involves the use of ledger, proof sheets, balance books etc
One of the biggest difficulties faced by manual of students results and grading is the problem of errors traceable to human mistakes and shortcomings
a) Handling results and grading beset with problems. The record are not kept well and retrieval as `very difficult
b) Loss of results and grading is always common to manual auditing as there is no computerized way of storing the information contained in these results and grading
c) Calculation can sometime be wrong. In most cases, this has through oft many accounts and names which resulted to suspense account being opened and could not be closed unless as a charge or credit to profit and less account.
This research is prompted to these problems because it is the basis of the above problem that are facing manual of students results and grading that promoted the research auditing system that prompted the researcher to look into the subject of curbing and controlling students results and grading manually.

The purpose of this research study and analysis of the existing of students results and grading for a computer science department of federal polytechnic nekede is to:
i) Ascertain whether the existing system is adequate.
ii) Highlight inadequacies in the existing system through which computer application ca minimize when computer is used effectively in the organization to eliminate inefficiency.

iii) To design effective alternative and efficient system to cater for this specific tasks.
Moreover, with this students results and grading know control measures to taken as prevent problem facing manual students results and grading and as well tackle the incurred existing problems in of students results and grading for a computer science department of federal polytechnic nekede .

The objective of this study is to be able to get a fast and accurate way of auditing personnel results and grading . Know the number of persons staff under the federal polytechnic nekede . Keep results and grading of what is to be paid who at a particular time, control those errors made by human beings due to his shortcomings. And also make sure that problem accoutered in recording information is highly minimized. Another aim is to make sure that no record is lost and also to maintain accuracy.

This study point down on the federal polytechnic nekede the personnel under the federal polytechnic nekede and considers how the problem of students results and grading manually in the federal polytechnic nekede could be extremely reduce or controlled using computer option it will also analysis the existing system and then furnish suggestions on low to control them. The research would deliberate on some manual students results and grading processes but may not go further in exposing some students results and grading programs due to circumstance beyond control.

This project was seriously constrained by a number of factors, but the most pronounced ones are time and money.
This was by for the most important hindrance to this work. Ever since the inception of this work, was tied down with serious studies practical researching, evaluating and examining. Irrespective of all our endevours, this research was not given the appropriate possible treatment due to time factor.
Limited funds also pose some threat to the realization and completion of this work. Transporting my self from one federal polytechnic nekede to another seeking help and assistance cost me much money. As a student faced with other financial commitments to attend to this much fund was very difficult to generate

The importance of this study is to help enhance the old way of students results and grading by introducing computer if it is done manually for more effective and accurate results and grading . This is an improvement over the old system.

I assumed accurate and reliable data and figures and that at the end of the study, I would be able to know various processes involved in students results and grading operations and some of the terms used.

AUDITING: This can be defined checking/ cross. Examining of whatever you are auditing find out if there is any king of fraud.
PERSONNEL: This can be said to be staff/ people employed by a company/organization.
PERSONNEL AUSITING: It is defined as an activity or exercises carried out to examine the personnel results and grading and a set financial statement and their underlying results and grading .
FINANCIAL STATEMENTS: The statement concerning money or it can be said to be statement of accounts (money)
ADITOR: Expert accountant who checks a company’s accounts.
ANALYSIS: This is an exercise carried out for close examination in details of something.

Table of Contents

Approval page
Table of content

1.1 Statement of the problem
1.2 Purpose of study
1.3 Objective of the study
1.4 Delimitation
1.5 Limitation
1.6 Significance of the study
1.7 Assumption
1.8 Definition of terms

2.0 Literature review

3.0 Description and analysis of the existing system analysis
3.1 Fact finding
3.2 Organization structure
3.3 Objective of the existing system
3.4 Input, output and process analysis
3.5 Information flows
3.6 Problem of existing
3.7 Justification of the new system

4.0 Statement about the design
4.1 Output, input specification and design
4.2` Procedure chart
4.3 System flow chart
4.4 System requirement

5.0 Program design
5.1 Source program

6.0 Documentation

7.0 Recommendation and conclusion

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Academic Research Structure: Important Sections

A 150–300 word synopsis of the main objectives, methods, findings, and conclusions of the Computerization Of Students Results And Grading should be included in the abstract.

Every chapter, section, and subsection in the research work should be listed in the Table of Contents, including the page numbers that correspond to each one.

The background, research question or hypothesis, and objective or aim of the Computerization Of Students Results And Grading should all be presented in the introduction, which is the first section.

A survey of previously conducted research on Computerization Of Students Results And Grading should be included in the literature review, together with an overview of the main conclusions, a list of any gaps, and an introduction to the current study.

The conclusion part should address the implications of the study, provide an answer to the research question and summarize the key findings.

The reference of Computerization Of Students Results And Grading, which should be formatted following a particular citation style (such as APA, MLA, or Chicago), is a list of all the sources cited in the title.

Other important sections of the Computerization Of Students Results And Grading should include the Title page, Dedication, Acknowledgments, Methodology, Results, Discussion, Appendices, Glossary, or Abbreviations List where applicable.