Comparative Analysis Of The Strength Of Concrete Made From Various Aggregate

4 Chapters
78 Pages
8,799 Words

The work has gone a long way in determining strength of concrete made of various aggregates such as granites stone, black gravel, washed gravel and surface gravel.
Some factors such as porosity of the aggregate temperature coursing lose of water plate form for mixing of concrete mix affect the workability and eventually the strength of concrete.
This project work consist of using hydraulic machine to carryout the compressive test of the strength of concrete made of the earlier mentioned aggregated.
From the result obtain, it is quite clear that their strength are not the same,
The result also reflect the strength of aggregate since their strength can be directly determined.
The finishing from these works show the strength of these aggregates and also reflect the standard of work that these aggregate can be used for concreting.

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Title page i
Letter transmittal ii
Approval page iii
Dedication iv
Acknowledgment v
Abstract vi
Table of content vii

1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 Project objective 2
1.3 Particle sized distribution 2

2.1 Concreting 4
2.2 Testing of cubes 8

3.1 Discussion of result 14
3.2 Result 15
3.3 Conclusion and recommendation 25
Bibliography 27


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