Comparative Analysis Of The Performance Of The Insurance And Banking Industries

(A Case Study Of (Nicon Insuracne Plc And First Bank Of Nigeria Plc)

5 Chapters
89 Pages
15,609 Words

This work appraise the comparative analysis of the performance of insurance and banking industries, the important role they played in the economic development of the nation, and they constitute as the pillar on which the economy of any nation can be created.
In chapter one of this project, the general overview of the study is reviewed, terms used in the study was brought to light. In chapter two literature review on insurance and banking industries as prime movers of the economy were mentioned. In chapter three, Research methodology, Research design ands methods of data collection were used in writing the project. In chapter four, presentation and analysis of data generated were collected and analyzed, which was done by tabulation and interpretation. Also hypothesis stated were tested and the result interpreted.
Finally, chapter five is the summary, conclusion and recommendations.

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i Page
ii Title page
iii Approval
iv Dedication
v Acknowledgement
vi Table of content
1.0. Introduction 1
1.1 General Overview of the study 1
1.2. Statement of problem 4
1.3. Objective of the study 5
1.4. Statement of Hypothesis 6
1.5. Significance of the study 6
1.6. Scope of study 7
1.7. Limitation of the study 8
1.8. Definition of terms 9

2.0. Review of Related Literature 12
2.1. History of insurance industry in Nigeria 13
2.1.1 History of NICON Insurance and its development 17
2.2 History of banking industry in Nigeria 18
2.2.1. Brief history of First bank of Nigeria Plc and
Achievements over the years. 23
2.3. Comparative analysis of the performance of
Insurance and banking sector 1990-2006. 23
2.4. Services offered by insurance industry in Nigeria 30
2.5. Services offered by banking industry in Nigeria 40
2.6. Insurance regulations and reforms 1990-2006 45
2.7. Banking regulations and reforms 1990-2006 47
2.8. Constrains facing insurance and banking sector 51

3.0. Research methodology 61
3.1. Research design 61
3.2. Population of the study 61
3.3. Sources of data or instrument of data collection 62
3.4. Method and techniques of data analysis 62

4.0. Data Presentation and Analysis Of 64
4.1. Data Presentation 64
4.2. Analysis of data result 64
4.3. Test of hypothesis 69

5.1. Summary 76
5.2. Conclusion 78
5.3. Recommendations 79
Bibliography 82
Questionnaire 83

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