Co-Operative Federations Opportunity And Threats In A Capitalist Economy

(A Case Of Abia State Co-Operative Federation)

5 Chapters
83 Pages
11,289 Words

Capitalism is seen as an economic system or market economy was there is free allocation of market resources and free private participation in economic activities. The capitalist concept is manifested in the early 19th century, the period of industrial revolution. Since this period to the present date, capitalism has controlled the economic of some developed countries and the undeveloped ones, such countries include Europe, South Africa, America, Israel, Japan, and Nigeria. Despite the effort of the government to help these countries to regulate the excess of capitalism. In the wake of the excesses of capitalism, which resulted, the suffering of the poor masses, co-operative emerged. The co-operative concept tends to oppose the capitalists mod of business practices. Co-operative is a movement, which aims at bringing better living to the poor by returning to them the best economic power and dignity of laboure. This they lost through the shrewd influence of capitalism. This research work was carried out in three commercial towns in Abia state. This piece of work analyses the opportunities that exist for the co-operative alongside with the threats existence of capitalism.

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Title page
Approval page.
Table of content

1.1 The background of the study
1.2 Statement of problems
1.3 Purpose of study
1.4 Significance of study
1.5 Limitation of study
1.6 Definition of terms
1.7 Reference

2.0 Review related to literature
2.1 The concept of capitalism
Capitalism in the Nigeria concept
The co-operative concept
Opportunities of the Abia co-operative federating in a capitalist economy
Threats capitalism has posed on Abai co-operative federation
Solution to the constraints of Abia co-operative federation

Research methodology
3.1 Area of study
Population of the study
Inurnment for the data collection
Method of data collection
Method of data analysis

Presentation of data
Data analysis

Summary of the findings

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