Causes And Effects Of Indiscipline Among Secondary School Students

(In Enugu North Local Government Area)

5 Chapters
47 Pages
8,977 Words

This work sought to investigate causes and effects of indiscipline among secondary school students in Enugu north local government area. Three research questions was raised to guide the study, in chapter three the instrument used to obtain information was a structured questionnaires, the data collected were analyzed in form of mean and percentage. The population of the study is (1500) students’ in thirteen secondary schools’, the study is (300) students, multi-stage sampling techniques was used to select the sample. The instrument used was content validated by lecturals in the department of science education. The findings shows that home environment consist of a set of physical, socio-economic and psychological elements that affect student indiscipline in secondary schools in Enugu north local government area. Performance of students both positively and negatively; the study therefore provide solution to parents, teachers, government and society the opportunity to identify how to deal with causes and effects of indiscipline among secondary school students in Enugu north local government area.

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Title Pagei
Approval pageii
Table of contentv

Introduction 1
Background of the study1
Statement of problem3
Purpose of the study4
Significance of the study5
Scope of the study5
Research Question6

Review of the related literature7
Causes of indiscipline7
Effects of indiscipline13
Solution to indiscipline17
Summary of literature review20

Research Methodology22
Design of the Study 22
Area of the study22
Population of the study22
Sample and Sampling Techniques23
Instrument for Data Collection23
Validity of the instrument23
Reliability of the instrument24
Method of Data Collection24
Method of data analysis24
Decision rule24

Presentation and analysis of Data25

Chapter five
Discussion of findings29
Implications of Findings30
Recommendations 32
Limitation of the study32
Appendix 135
Appendix 239

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