Cause Of Abandoned Public Development Projects

(Case Study Fcda Federal Capital Territory Abuja)

5 Chapters
41 Pages
4,708 Words

To review the projects work carry out an investigation of the causes of abandoned public development project in the federal capital territory Abuja case study of federal capital development authority (FCDA)
The project work will covered 34 pages chapter one serves as introduction, statement of research problems, scope and limitations, Aim and objectives and significance of the study.
Chapter two serves as literature review, abandonment, development, development process in building industry project, public sector involvement in housing development and types of public property.
Chapter three serves as methodology, data primary sources, secondary data and limitation.
Chapter four serves as data analysis, respondent views on causes abandonment, respondents views on the effect of abandonment, responandments views on the possible solution abandonment and discussions on the findings.
Chapter five serves as summary recommendations and conclusion, summary, recommendation, conclusion and referee cos.

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The continues abandoning of public projects at various levels of development all over the country is of great concern not only to the governments themselves but more to civil servants who are too inadequately accommodated.
In this research work efforts have been made to identify, analyzed and discuss the basic causes of abandonment federal capital development Authority (FCDA) projects.
Chapter one serves as an introduction which outlines the background of the study, statement to the problems, aims / objectives of the study, research questions, significance of the study, scope of and limitations of the study plus overview of the study of the federal capital territory (FCT) Abuja.
Chapter two serves as literature reviews definition of special terms and also into introduces the reader to some housing policies in Nigeria.
The third chapter serves as research methodology where all the sources and method of data collection used in this work are explained.
Chapter four is the core of the research work where data collection from the filed are presented and analyzed.

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Title Page
Approval Page
Table Of Contents

Chapter One
1.0 Introduction

1.1 Background Of The Study
1.2 Statement Of The Problem
1.3 Aims / Objectives Of The Study
1.4 Research Questions
1.5 Significance Of The Study
1.6 Scope And Limitations Of The Study
1.7 Overview Of The Study

Chapter Two
2.0 Literature Review

2.1 Abandonment
2.2 Development
2.3 Development Process In Building Industry
2.4 Project
2.5 Public Sector Involvement In Housing Development
2.6 Types Of Public Property

Chapter Three
3.0 Methodology

3.1 Data Primary Sources
3.2 Secondary Data
3.3 Limitations

Chapter Four
4.0 Data Analysis

4.1 Respondents Views On Causes Abandonment
4.2 Respondents Views On The Effect Of Abandonment
4.3 Respondents Views On The Possible Solution Abandonment
4.4 Discussion The Findings

Chapter Five
5.0 Summary Recommendations And Conclusion

5.1 Summary
5.2 Recommendation
5.3 Conclusion

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