Business Education Teachers’ Perceptions Regarding The Structure Of JSC Business Studies Examination

(A Case Study Of Enugu Urban)

5 Chapters
77 Pages
9,322 Words

The study was aimed at ascertaining Business Education teacher’s perceptions regarding the structure of JSC examination in Enugu State with particular reference to Enugu Urban. The target population of the study comprised all the practicing business education teachers within all the selected secondary schools in Enugu Urban. The data generated were precisely analysed by the use of statistical frequency tables and percentage.Review of related literature was discussed in chapter two, issues of research procedure and methodology were covered in chapter three while chapter four presented and analysed the data generated for the study, chapter five discussed the findings, drew conclusions and some recommendations made the most weighty finding of the study was that business education teachers held opinion that the structure of JSC examination in Enugu Urban is not to be regarded as good.
One of the major recommendation was that government should make its presence felt by providing motivational incentives in the form of instructional materials such as erecting typing pool, machines, adequate right calibre of teachers that will make it feasible to overhaul the current structure of JSC examination.








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NOTE: Preview the following Table of Content before you download the full content. WYSIWYG – What You See Is What You Get.

Title page
Approval Page
Table of content

Background of the study 1-5
Statement of the problem 6-8
Purpose of the study 8-9
Significant of the study 9-10
Research question 10-11
Research hypothesis 11
Limitation of the study 11-12
Scope of the study 12
Definition of terms 12-13

Review of related literature 14
Business study and objective/evaluation 14-23
Components of JSC Business studies
Examination paper 23-25
Other similar JSC examination 25-28

Research procedure and methodology 29
Research design 29
Area of study 29
Population of the study 30
Sample selection 30
Instrument for data collection 30-31
Validity of the instrument 31
Reliability of the instrument 31
Procedure for questionnaire administration 32
Method of data analysis 32

Presentation and analysis of data 33-49

Discussion of Findings, Conclusion,
Recommendation and Summary 50
Discussion of findings 50-53
Research question 2 54-55
Research question 3 55-57
Research question 4 57-58
Research question 5 58-59
Summary of finding 59-60
Conclusion 60-61
Recommendation 61-63
Suggestion for further studies 63
References 64-65
Appendix 66-69


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