Budgeting As A Control Strategy

(A Case Study Of Unionbank Of Nigeria Plc Enugu Ogui Road)

5 Chapters
75 Pages
9,643 Words

The research work is expected to provide the importance of budgeting and relevance of budgeting information system to some firms and even organization with respect to union bank Nigeria plc Enugu.
The study among other things will consider the relevant concepts adopted in Budgeting and control and various works by some authors, it will also examine the extent of utilization and effect of budgeting as a control strategy on the divisional earning view our five years.
The entire project work will be divided into five chapters and the data for the study will be grouped into five chapters and the data for the study will be grouped into primary data and also secondary sources, the researcher will also make use of questionnaires, textbooks, literally materials and journals to carry out his research work. Even oral interview from the employees or management of the organization will also be carried out.
The constraints to be encoutered as a researcher are as follows:-
-Insufficient fund:-There is no sufficient fund to carry out this research, and this research will a large amount of money.
-Limited time:-As a researcher, a lot of my time is needed for the objective to be achieved.
-Unwillingness to disclose the information:-The employees may be unwilling to give every information needed in order not to loose their job as a result of that.
However, I believe that this project will make the private and public sector organization employ a better way of accesing their budgeting system.

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