Budget And Budgetary Control As A Tool For Effective Decision And Planning In Ministries And Parastatals

(A Case Study Of Ministries And Parastatals In Imo State)

5 Chapters
89 Pages
10,136 Words

Budget and budgetary control as a tool for effective decision and planning in ministries and parastatals.
The researcher is prompted into choosing this due to the peculiar nature of the topic budgetary control in ministries and parastatals. In this project work the definition of budget is being known as a techniques their task of planning, coordinating, directing and control in an organization. For a government ministries to achieve their aims budget must be enlisted in Agenda. In carrying out this project work the topic identify the objective, statement of hypothesis, significance of the problem and the limitation of the project work.
This project work is limited to the budget of Imo state government ministry and parastatals. Nevertheless profit oriented organization and parastatals make use of different budget to enable them meet their desire goals. I bid to identify those administrative probelsm personal observations and interview where made and conducted, it was discovered that budget and budgary are the key note of every successful body or organization as a result of policies not being strong enough to beat them to it.
Finally budget enjoys a wide application. They can be used in our private homes where a civil servant who earns and income and plan on it. Also the same thing is applicable to the ministries and parastatals.

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Title page
Approval page
Table of content

1.1 Statement of the problem
1.2 Statement of the hypothesis
1.3 Objective of the study
1.4 Significance of the study
1.5 Limitation f the study
1.6 Definition of the term

2.1 Budgets
2.2 Budgetary control
2.3 The planning and control process
2.4 Management by objective
2.5 Management by exception
2.6 Budgetary system in non-project secking organization

Research methodology
3.1 Primary source of Data collection
3.2 Type of primary source of data
3.3 Advantage of interview method
3.4 Secondary source of data collection
3.5 Type of secondary data collection

4.1 Budget and budgetary control in Imo state
4.2 Review of Imo state government budget
4.2.1 1997 Budget
4.2.2 1998 Budget
4.2.3 1999 Budget
4.2.4 2000 Budget
4.3 Presentation and analysis of data

5.1 Summary of finding
5.2 Conclusion
5.3 Recommendation
5.4 Bibliography
5.5 Appendix.

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