Assessment Of The Effects Of Television Programmes On Youths

(A Case Study Of Campus Circuit On Minaj Broadcast International)

5 Chapters
100 Pages
11,062 Words

My interest in this work its assess the effects of Television programmes on youths. Using a Minaj Broadcast international (MBI) programme Campus Circuit” as a cash study.
Television is widely acknowledged as “a powerful medium of age? The is astounding, its visual immediacy gives its audience a feeling of participation more than any other medium.
It is necessary to find out what effects television has on youths. I want to observe the youths watching campus circuit a television prgramme, learn behaviours, norms and attitude through such television violence might influence children who have violent tendencies to act violently.
Some of the primary objectives of television in Nigeria are to foster National unity and to supplement education programmes which can be achieved through the use of films. The project for purpose of easy understanding, is divided into chapter is and consist of five chapters.
Chapter one deals with the introductory aspects of the stud, in chapter two, a review of related literature is presented, while chapter three goes ahead to outline the methodology that was adopted the data analysis and interpretation in chapter four. This thesis conclusion and recommendations for further study.
Finally, this study is delimited to youths watching television programmes are literature enough to answer the questionnaires that will follow the research.

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Title Page
Approval Page
Abstract Of Contents
Table Of Contents


Chapter One
1.0 Introduction

1.1 Background Of The Study
1.2 Statement Of The Research Problem
1.3 Objectives Of The Study
1.4 Significance Of The Study
1.5 Research Questions
1.6 Research Hypotheses
1.7 Conceptual And Operational Definition
1.8 Assumptions
1.9 Limitation Of The Study

Chapter Two
2.1 Sources Of Literature

2.2 The Review
2.3 Functions Of Nigerian Television
2.4 The Influence Of Television
2.5 Campus Circuit
2.6 Review Of Opinions
2.7 Summary Of Literature Review

Chapter Three
3.0 Research Methodology

3.1 Research Design
3.2 Research Sample
3.3 Measuring Instrument
3.4 Sampling Technique
3.5 Sources Of Data
3.6 Method Of Analysis / Presentation
3.7 Expected Results

Chapter Four
4.0 Data Analysis And Discussion Of Findings

4.1 Introduction
4.2 Presentation Of Findings

Chapter Five
5.1 Summary And Conclusion

5.2 Recommendations

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