Appraisal On The Impact Of Effective Credit Management On The Profitability Of Commercial Banks

(A Case Study Of Intercontinental Bank Plc And First Bank Of Nigeria Plc)

5 Chapters
73 Pages
9,693 Words

This study is focused on the impact of effective credit management on the profitability of commercial banks. The study is divided into five chapters. Chapter one deals with introduction, general over view of the study, statement of problems, objectives of the study, limitation and definitions of the terms. Chapter two consist of general introduction of research topic and of literature review.
Chapter three deals with research methodology, research design, and source of data, population and sample size and method of data. Chapter four deals with the data presentation, analysis and test of hypothesis.
Chapter five consists of summary, conclusion and recommendation. From the research work, research recommendation which reveals that credit mangers deals with various credit appraisals effective management should be adopted for the profitability of the banks.

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NOTE: Preview the following Table of Content before you download the full content. WYSIWYG – What You See Is What You Get.

i Title page
ii Approval page
iii Dedication
iii Acknowledgement
iv Abstract
v Table of content

1.0 introduction 1
1.1 General overview of study 1
1.2 Statement of problems 3
1.3 Objectives of the study 4
1.4 Scope of the study 5
1.5 Statement of hypothesis 5
1.6 significance of the study 6
1.7 limitations of the research 7
1.8 definitions of terms 7

2.0 Literature Review 10
2.1 Background to profitability to a commercial
Bank 10
2.2 Principles and consideration to good lending 11
2.3 Basis for credit formulation 14
2.4 Comparative analysis of different forms of credit administration
Administration 21
2.6 signs of a bad loan 27
2.7 government regulation on over credit 29
2.8 problem of credit management and Administration 32
2.9 profit and loss account (of your case study) 34
2.10 references 38

3.0 methodology 39
3.1 Research Design 39
3.2 sources of data 40
3.3 population and sample size 41
3.4 method of data analysis 42
3.4.1 administration of data collection instrument 42
3.5 statistical data to be used in data analysis 42

4.0 presentation and analysis of data 44
4.1 presentation of data 44
4.2 analysis of data 50
4.3 test of hypothesis 52

5.0 summary, conclusion and recommendations
5.1 summary 59
5.2 conclusion 60
5.3 recommendation 61
Bibliography 64
Questionnaire 66

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