Analysis Of Incidence Of Loan Default In Merchant Bank

(Case Of Ivory Merchant Bank)

5 Chapters
87 Pages
8,722 Words

This research studied the nature, problem and prospect of the new product developed in the banking industry from 1990-2003.
In this research work, the researcher chose four of the products and measures the extent to which they have been able to satisfy the customers. The product selected are smart card, international money transfer, educational scheme and integrated banking network transaction.
Data for this research were collected through questionnaire and interviews by bank customers and the review of existing literature on the topic using simple random procedure and the descriptive method of research. The data so collected were analysed using the simple percentage and the formulated hypothesis were tested with chi-square (x2) method.
Some of the findings are the nature of the new product can measured in terms of accessibility, speed, timeliness, simplicity and reliability.
Customers who patronize the new product are majority those who want money transfer both locally and internationally customers derived high level of satisfaction from the new products.
Inadequate infrastructural level in our banking industry and high cost of installing them contributed to the problem of the new product.
Based on the findings, the following were recommended banks should come together and establish a common data communication satellite to minimize constant problems.
A parallel organization that was supplying electricity in competition with NEPA should be allowed to evolved so that an efficient supply of electricity can be ensured.
Finally, since this study alone cannot exhaustive of this vital subject, it is recommended for further studies.


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ii Title page
iii Approval page
iv Dedication
v Acknowledgement
vii Abstract
viii Table of contents

Introduction 1
1.1 Background of the study 3
1.2 Statement of Problem 4
1.3 Objectives of the study 5
1.4 Research Question 6
1.5 Research hypothesis 6
1.6 Significance of the study 7
1.7 Scope and limitation 8
1.8 Definition of terms 9
Reference 11

Review of Related Literature 12
2.1 Literature Review 12
2.2 Historical Development of Bank lending 14
2.3 Development of Merchant Bank in Nigeria 16
2.4 Differentiating functions of Merchant Bank 18
2.5 Cannons of Good lending 19
2.6 Analysis of principles of good lending 25
2.7 Why are Banks failing 29
2.8 Exports view and comments 30
Reference 32

Research design and Methodology 34
3.1 Research Design 34
3.2 Area of Study 34
3.3 Population of study 34
3.4 Sample and Sampling techniques 35
3.5 Instrument for Data Collection 37
3.6 Method of Data Presentation 38
3.7 Method of Data Analysis 38
Reference 40

Data Presentation and Analysis 41
4.1 Data Presentation 41
4.2 Test of Hypothesis 49
Reference 55

Findings / Recommendations and Conclusions. 56
5.1 Findings 56
5.2 Recommendations 59
5.3 Conclusion 60
Bibliography 63

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