Abnormal Urine Constituents Using Dipstick Technology Survey Among Patients

(A Case Study Of Patience Attending Specialist Hospital Gombe, Gombe State)

5 Chapters
47 Pages
6,111 Words

Urinalysis is a simple and cheep method off screening of systematic diseases including kidney disease and may open window of opportunity for preventing early treatment especially in resource constrained settings like Nigeria. The aim of this study is to determine the abnormalities of urine component amongst patients attending specialist hospital Gombe. A total of 150 patients participated in the study (Male 65 female 85 ) prevalence of abnormal urine component as detected by routine dipstick urinalysis. The prevalence of abnormalities in blood was 24.7% in female, protein 29.0% in male, urobilinoge, 10.8% in male biurubin 3.5% in female and ketones 8.3% in female .the prevalence of urine abnormality amongst patient attending specialist hospital Gombe is high in female than male. The abnormalities were found in the age group of 31 and above. Therefore, urine dipstick can add value to the management of patient specialist hospital Gombe.


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Content Pages

1.0 Background Of The Study 1
1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 Statement Of The Problem 2
1.3.0 Aims and Objectives 3
1.3.1 Aim 3
1.3.2 Objective Of The Study 3

2.0 Literature Review 4
2.1 Kidney 4
2.2 Urine Formation 4
2.2.1 Glomerular Filtration 5
2.2.2 Selective Reabsorption 5
2.2.3 Secretion 6
2.3 Composition Of Urine 6
2.3.1 Volume 6
2.3.2 Specific Gravity 7
2.3.3 Color 8
2.3.4 Odour 9
2.3.5 Foam 9
2.3.6 PH 9
2.4 Collections Of Urine Sample 10
2.4.1 Random Sample Collection 10
2.4.2 Early Morning Sample Collection 10
2.4.3 Midstream Clean Catch Specimen Collection 10
2.5 Urine Preservative 10
2.6 Urinalysis 11
2.6.1 Macroscopic Examination 12
2.6.2 Microscopic Examination 12 Qualitative Test For Chemical Analysis Of Protein 13
2.6 .3.1 Boiling And Acetic Acid Test 13 Method 13 Test Strip For Lro’i’ein 13 Albustix: Principle 13
2.7 Dipstick Urinalysis 14
2.7.1 Urinary PH 14
2.7.2 Hematuria 14
2.7.3 Proteinuria 15
2.7.7 Nitrites And Leukocytes Esterase 17
2.7.8 Bilirubin And Urobilinogen 17

3.1 Study Area 19
3.2 Study Population And Sample 19
3.3 Sampling And Sampling Size Technique 19
3.4 Method of data analysis 19
3.5 Materials (Apparatus) Used 19
3.6 Method Of Collecting Sampling 20

4.0 Result 21

5.0 Discussion, Conclusion And Recommendation 25
5.1 Discussion 25
5.2 Conclusion 26
5.3 Recommendation 26
References 27

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